Chapter 13 Team building

Start from the beginning

As if sensing my thoughts the creature opened its eyes and looked right at me. With a start I realised I forgot to put my mental wall up again. Maybe they could sense it, but no way was I going to tell Tom, he would just scrowl at me. Tom and Oscar looked dismay by this, but despite the fact that neither of them particularly like me (I think), they both stepped in front of me hiding me from sight.

My heart was warm by their gesture, even though we were only facing a imaginary threat. But I wasn't the kind of girl that need protection. Then I remembered, neither of them knew what my power is. Mr Andrewson didn't say anything, I wonder if he did it on purpose and what was his reason for not telling.

'Looks like we have to fight it.' Tom said, Oscar nodded in agreement and we continued to back away from the creature, who had now rose from its resting position and was growling at us.

'It's a Class C hybrid.' Oscar said, his eyes narrowing into two slits as he looked at the Legre in an almost identical growl. 'Tom, what's the plan?' he asked, as if I didn't exist. Feeling agitated I decided that it was high time I find out what they were thinking about.

'Plan B.' Tom said, his mind was filled with the usual french words. Oscar gave another nod and his mind was a lot easier to read.

So I will distract and he will attack. Good. I wonder what Mr Andrewson wanted us to do? Protect this girl? At least she is quite smart, and haven't stroll around and scream or anything like that new girl last year in Dungeons and Dragons.

The muscles on my left cheek contract uncontrollably. This guy is ridiculous. First, he was still referring to me as this girl. Secondly they were completely alienated me from their plan as an object of protection. Since when have I, Abigail Beckett, have been on the protected side of things? The answer is never.

Smirking I began to formulate a plan in my head as I backed off to another abandoned car where Tom and Oscar intended for me to stay. If these guys think that I was just a weak, scared new girl, they had another think coming.

Tom moved off the the other side while Oscar began approaching the Legre face on. I watched closely as Oscar flexed his arms and shook his head, then as if by magic, his arms began lengthening and thickening, furs began growing, and before my very eyes, he transformed into a bear. A giant, powerful grizzly bear.

My jaw felt like it was about to hit the floor. Holy... I should have known that Oscar would have some kind of amazing power as well, I mean, we are all in Mr Andrewson's tutor group, for god's sake.

Fidgeting around I half-sat in front of the car in a semi-comfortable position while I watched Oscar took on the Legre. Right now Bear-form Oscar was at a stare down with the Legre, as if trying to intimidate each other from attacking. Meanwhile Tom was at the base of the junk line, he moved with rather surprising speed and agility for a guy with only fire as a power.

I watched as Tom climbed precariously from one piece of ramble to another, trying not to fall or make too much noise. I contemplated whether or not I should help Tom by putting a barrier between him and the Legre to ensure his safe passage. However, since those two nice gentleman had been so nice to exclude me from their plan, it wouldn't hurt them if they get a little set back.

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