Chapter 21

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Mature things may possibly be in this chapter. I'll give fair warning in the form of '***' if you wish to skip. I'm also warning you that I've never actually been to a party like the one in the chapter so sowwy.

For once in my life, I managed to come off that beach with only minimal sunburn on my shoulders and cheeks. Jace was very disappointed that he didn't get the chance to run aloe into my back but I reassured him that there was still another two weeks of sun. My plan after the beach had been to shower and test out that wonderfully comfortable looking bed.

But Iz had different plans.

She told me to shower and then get ready for a bonfire party that she had been told about by some surfer. So now I sit here, running a brush through my recently blow dried hair to make sure that there are no tangles. I look at my reflection in the mirror, taking in how the grey romper I bought a few weeks ago looks on me now with my makeup done as well as the jewelry that Iz gave me to wear. 

I'm brought out of my trance by a knock at the door. Without waiting for my response which, well, would have been silent either way, Isabelle walks in. "Alright my lovely. It's time to tame that mane." I laugh slightly at her words before she plugs in the curling iron. "I knew I was right to tell you to buy that romper."

Wasn't it Jace who pointed this out and told me to buy it? I ask with a bit of a playful smile.

"Oh hush," she tells me as she begins to section off my hair. "So, I was thinking that tomorrow you and I could go out--just the two of us. No guys, no constant pranks, just you and me and girl time."

I like the idea; but what will Magnus think? I wonder as she begins to wrap my hair around the barrel.

"He and Alec already have plans for tomorrow--couple's scuba diving. I swear sometimes even I get sickened by how cute and Tumblr they can be." Isabelle mutters the last part making me lightly giggle. "Tonight is probably gonna bleed into the early hours so I'm gonna say be ready to go out to lunch by 11:30 and then we'll figure out what to do from then on." I nod as she continues to loosely curl my hair, giving my hair a more controlled look. "Y'know when I was ten I always wanted red hair--lighter hair at least. It was during a time when everyone I knew in school was light haired and I didn't want to stand out."

Well that certainly changed. I point out to my friend.

"Yeah, well, after my mom caught me trying to bleach my hair she sat me down and told me all of the benefits of standing out. So, once she made sure I knew I was beautiful and that being like everyone else is boring, she took me to the salon, had them cut off my bleached ends, and then took me out for ice cream." She smiles as she finishes the story, recalling the memory in her head. "She made me into who I am today. Taught me confidence and what it truly means to be a woman."

Mine just taught me how to blend certain colors to make more beautiful and unique ones.

"Y'know that is something very handy is the art of makeup," she points out with a bit of a laugh. "Also very helpful in life. The different colors are the different people you encounter throughout your life. You need to know how to blend with them to make something beautiful and beneficial."

I stare at her in the mirror for a moment before typing. You just added a whole other deep meaning to everything my mother ever taught me.

"It's what I'm here for," she says. "My dad used to praise me on being able to find deep meanings in the littlest things. I once discovered a whole life philosophy by looking at the way a rowan tree was growing."

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