Chapter 11

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I stare at Jace for a few minutes before typing, Wait, you're serious?

Jace shrugs while he sets the weed and pot brownies down. "Why not?" He tosses a brownie at me and I catch it. "It's not like no one our age has ever done drugs before."

Okay, I'm fine with drinking and partying and stripping down in front of my friends, but I'm not sure if I'm okay with drugs. I start thinking of my parents and how they wouldn't like me doing that. I mean, they always taught me to have morals and follow them no matter what. It's just not in my morals.

"You sure?" Jace asks with his eyebrows raised slightly. "You don't have even the tiniest desire to try it?"

I'm about to flat out say no, but I can't say there isn't a tiny part of me that wants to try it and what it's like. My eyebrows scrunch together as I think of the time over the summer when Jessamine snuck into back into the house through Tessa and I's room high off her ass on weed. The next morning, when she was sober and Luke was gone, she gave a glorifying testament to the feeling the drugs induced. She offered to score us some, but was then shot down when Tessa threatened to tell Luke about her little rendezvous with the dark side.

Jace, seeing my self conflict, offers a suggestion. "Okay, how about you try a brownie and you can decide how you like the feeling. Besides," he starts with a smirk, "I'm really wondering how you'll react to it." He eyes the brownie in my hand and asks, "So, what do you say?"

Hesitating only slightly, I unwrap the brownie and break a piece off, bringing it to my lips. My face puckers slightly at the slightly bitter taste, but I chew it and swallow without any hesitation.

Jace chuckles slightly as he pulls a joint and lighter out of his bag and brings the joint to his lips, taking his time lighting it. "Excellent choice," he jokes slightly as the end of the joint lights up and he brings it away from his lips to blow the smoke from his mouth.

I roll my eyes to him before I take a larger bite of the brownie, biting back the urge to wince at the still unusual bitterness to regularly sweet brownie. So far, I don't get what the big hoopla is about. It tastes pretty bad and I feel no different. I get I've taken two bites, but Jess said it was like an instantaneous feeling of freedom or some bullshit like that.

Right now, it's an instantaneous feel that I need to hold back my gags.

I mean, I don't know anything about how long this takes or how much of it you're supposed to eat. So, I continue to take bites of the brownie mixed with beer and a few smokes from the small bong. Slowly, the taste becomes more...familiar and I start to feel as if I'm floating or something.

I take a swig of beer and giggle as it runs down my chin slightly. Jace laughs at me as I throw the now empty beer bottle so it lands and breaks in the glass maybe ten feet away.

Now that I'm finished with the large brownie, I toss the wrapper to the ground and stand walking bouncily over to Jace. He watches with intrigue as I stop in front of him, sitting on his lap before I take the joint from his mouth and transfer it into mine.

My bright green eyes stay connected with his golden brown orbs as I take a deep breath in of smoke. I only break eye contact to turn my head away and blow the smoke out of my mouth. I smile slightly as I watch the smoke twirl in the air as it rises into the atmosphere. I raise my hand up slightly and wave my hand through it, making more small swirls start and my smile grow.

Jace chuckles silently as his fingers lightly grab my chin and move my head to face his. We sit there, gazing into each other's eyes. Staring into Jace's eyes, I feel so serene. I never noticed how tranquil the gold in his eyes is.

Before I can even register what's happening we're smashing our lips together and the joint in my hand is forgotten as it drops to the ground. My arms move to me around his neck while his hands tightly grip my waist. All my better judgement is screaming for me to stop, but everything is so clouded at the moment, like I can't piece together a single thought. I'm not sure if it's the drugs or the hot, driving kiss making me feel this way but, in all honesty, I kinda like it.

We press our bodies closer as our lips move in perfect synch. Jace bites my lip, making me gasp slightly. He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue explores the inside of my mouth and I moan softly into his mouth as my fingers curl into his hair.

We continue like that, holding each other for dear life as we make out for god knows how long. The only thing running through my head as I sit here kissing this gorgeous god is what the hell I've just gotten myself into.


Guess who's back from Asia! I know I said in that message thing that probably no one looked at that I wouldn't update today, but my moms are making us all stay awake until at least 9:30 to get back on a regular sleep schedule. And so, there is caffeine pumping through my veins as I type.

And, as I promised, I'm going to tell you all the reason I didn't update the twelve days I was in Japan. (As I'm writing the fourth explanation paragraph, I'm sorry for how long it is.)

A lot of it was just because we were busy doing stuff. The first five days we were in Kyoto, which is insanely gorgeous, and we had two days to just look around before we had performances three of the nights (did I mention I went with my music school?) and rehearsals during the days.

Then, we did so much sight seeing in Tokyo. There was literally never a dull moment because there were thirteen of us there (Mummerz, Momma 2, stepmom, oldest brother, oldest brother's wife, nephew Niklaus, niece Rebekah, brother, brother's fiancé, sister Efa, me, best friend Callie, and boyfriend [I'm still in disbelief about that one and it's been like two months 😁😁😁] Jackson [they only went because they're in my class at music school]). One of the days we took a train to Mount Fuji and we went to the Meiji Shrine and Sensō-ji and Odaiba and the Imperial Palace and so many places. I had very little free time to write and I needed wifi to do it while we were there.

Then there's the reason that makes me feel like my family has way to much drama. I found out our second to last day there that I am going to be an aunt for the third time, but it wasn't the brother that's married or the one that has a fiancé. Nope, it's my seventeen year old sister.

Now I knew she wasn't a virgin because she's not very good at hiding her birth control stuff, but I didn't expect her to come to me crying on our one free day in Tokyo when I was planning on finishing and uploading this chapter a mess because she hadn't gotten her period and it was two weeks late and beg me to come with her to get a test. So, me and Callie snuck out of the hotel with her to be moral support while she went to see if she was in fact pregnant. We found out she was and she starting freaking out because she broke up with the dad right before the trip because he's apparently become a jerk since they started dating two years ago and I just got really freaked out too.

I have nothing against teen moms. Heck, my favorite little fanboy of a nephew was born when his mom and my brother were eighteen. I just got all freaked out because I realized just how easily this can happen to people who are so prepared in the whole not-getting-pregnant department. So, I've basically spent the last two days rethinking a bunch of stuff.

If you've read this far, YOU SIR OR MA'AM ARE A TROOPER.

I hope you liked the chapter and my family's complicatedness!


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