Chapter twenty four

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Authors Note : Big sorry again for such a delay on the chapter but my mom is feeling much much better after being released from hospital , thank you for the kind words and the belated birthday wishes ! Hope you all had a wonderful New Years but anyways , enjoy the. Chapter 💗.

The first thing I saw once I opened my eyes was the furious green eyes of my husband that was framed by his naturally thick lashes, whilst his plump lips which had his adorable beauty spot above it , was turned up in a sneer.

"In what world did you think that I'd let you fight ? How exactly did you think this would pan out ?" He demanded .

The events of Sapphire collecting me flashed before my eyes and a feeling of anger and belittlement filled me as I remembered how he had completely dismissed my speech. He hadn't taken any of my thoughts or feelings into consideration at all, I was meant to be his mate, his equal , yet he treated me like a child.

It took a lot from me to be able to to finally feel confident enough to not only speak up for what I wanted and believe in but to actually put it into practise . I had found out I was Witch, I wasn't just an ordinary human who had to play the damsel in distress , I was powerful enough to make a difference and help . How could I expect people to fight for me if I wouldn't fight for them ?

It wasn't for fair or right , I didn't want to be locked up like some helpless princess , I was worth much more than that and I was sick of Chaos not taking my thoughts into consideration . I understood that he would be worried about my safety but I was worried about his too , yet he was out there fighting and as much as I wanted too, I wouldn't ever dream of asking him to sit out in the fight .

I wasn't selfish. As a king it was his duty to fight for his people and as a Queen, it was my duty to fight with him side by side.

"I'll find another way to escape , I will fight Chaos, with or without your permission" I replied , my tone deadly calm as I stared him in the eyes.

Chaos's eyes flashed an intense neon colour that had me recoiling in shock as I could literally see the anger flash in them. The room took an ungodly temperature change and I felt the cold seep into every inch of my body but I still stubbornly started him in the eye , refusing to back down even though I was secretly nervous . However , I knew Chaos would never hurt me, that was about the only thing I was certain with when it came to him.

"You either take me with you or I join in when you leave , have it your way " I added after a moment of chilling silence .

Chaos let out an earth shattering snarl before opening his palm that came alight with a menacing black flame which he shot out at different parts of the room . After 5 minutes of him having a temper tantrum and destroying the whole room apart from the bed I was sat on, he turned towards me , breathing heavily .

"Why can't you fucking listen to me ?" He bit out , his fist clenched as his chest heaved rather attractively .

"You don't listen to me " I shot back evenly , tucking my knees under my chin.

"Of course I do, everything I do is for you Jasmine , If I had it my way you'd be locked in the fuckking room tied up to the bed . Instead I let you have friends, be with your stupid sister and visit the witch realm when you wish" He snarled , his anger shaking the whole room.

"So I should be grateful for having freedom ? It's not a choice , it's something that every human should have !" I snapped , my voice laced is disgust .

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