Chapter Thirteen

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Authors note: Congratulations to Bxby-A who is the winner of the competition! Your tampon story was super funny and I look forward to working with you on our brand new main character ( please personal message me)  and if you didn't win then don't worry because I'll be having many more competitions. But without further ado, here's chapter thirteen.

'I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often' ~ Brian Tracy

The next morning, I was up and ready , waiting to see Chaos. I was furious with the way the night had turned out and how I was treated, I was meant to be his 'mate' , yet , he had treated me like an inconvenient child by sending me to my room and in front of guests!

I was mortified by his action and I felt myself flush with embarrassment, what must they think of me?

How dare he boss me about like some slave ?

It was bad enough that he did it on a regular basis, but to do it in front of strangers? That was too far.

I wasn't a doormat that he could walk all over and treat nice one minute and then act like a over baring father with the next. It was rude, inconsiderate, unfair and I didn't deserve to be treated like that. I needed to know where we stood as I was sick of going around in circles, I wanted to make whatever we had work.

"How do I look?" I asked Cindy and Sam, emerging out my bedroom dressed all in black.

"Badass" Smirked Cindy.

"Bad enough to take on a God" Grinned Sam.

"Thanks " I giggled " But in all seriousness, how do you think I should approach this? He's so unpredictable and I feel like he is going to say something stupid to annoy me ".

"Be honest, you can't get better than that. Don't hold back , but when are you going to see him? It's already past 5 and he is normally here by now " Answered Sam , giving my hand a squeeze.

"He's avoiding me , he knows I'm pissed at him.  Cindy, call Franco for me please "


As soon as Franco came in the room, I demanded him to bring me to Chaos and with much whining , begging and pleading he finally cracked.

"I can't bring you to him , he said to make sure that you don't leave the room" Franco admitted.

"Is he being for real? I'm not some prisoner ,I'm his mate! " I screamed in disbelief.

I was furious , how dare he say I wasn't allowed out the room?

It was like he wanted me to hate him , 2 steps forward and 100 steps backwards.

"Tell him I said if he doesn't release me from this room, I will escape and never come back again . I'll find someone else , someone who treats me how I deserve " I threatened .

Of course, my threats were just that - threats, the chances of me escaping had to be like 0.5 in a billon. However, Chaos was irrational and was an act first and think later type of person who was incredibly possessive over me .

As soon as he heard the words 'escape' in the same sentence of something involving me , he would go crazy and remind me what would happen if I dared to do such a thing . He had eyes and ears all over the place and it wouldn't surprise me if he had some hidden cameras in my room .

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