Chapter Five.

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AuthorsNote: I can't believe on Chapter five I have 197 votes already ! Im so humbled and grateful to you guys , I would like to thank LunarCasa and '
MARVELGIRL1322 who's comments have made me laugh ! But enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment .

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds"~
Laurell K. Hamilton.

My eyes widened dramatically as I looked at the off putting orange coloured sick that was now residing on 'Lupus Rex' shoes , I was dead .

He was going to kill me for sure , only I could embarrass myself so much and only  moments before my death . I wasn't even about to die with dignity. God, I was lame . 

My embarrassment surpassed my fear as I turned bright red and didn't dare look at the inhumane creature that was glaring down at me.

"Julia, what is this? "He snarled, making Julia flinch back in fear and me cringe in mortification .

"S-she's been sick My K-King?" Squeaked Julia as if asking him a question as she was unsure of how to respond .

"She's been sick My King"Mimicked Lupus in a cruel tone , his tongue like sharp daggers .

"I can see that you stupid girl but why ?".

Still not daring to look up, I wondered why he didn't just ask me the question as it would make more sense since I was the one who had threw up .

'Probably scared you'll vomit on him again' taunted a nasty voice in my head making me flush red.

"I-I'm not sure" Julia whimpered out .

"You don't know much,  do you ? Maybe I should cut out your tongue since you lack anything knowledgeable to speak of. Now, get out"  He barked, his tone full of deadly promises.

Hugging my body closer, I squeezed my eyes shut as tears began to stream down my face again. I just wanted to go home and be away from this God forsaken place with this monster who I was now alone with .

He had threatened to cut out Julia's tongue for not knowing something,  so what was he about to do to me?

"Stop crying" His tone was unsure and robotic as if he didn't know how to address me which only made me cry more and get him angrier.

I shook my head, tucking my knees under my chin, I just wanted to go home .

"Look at me when I speak to you or I will cut off Julia's tongue and gauge out her children's eyes, you will not disrespect me human" He said in a cold voice .

My lips trembled as I managed to choke out a pathetic 'sorry'.

"LOOK AT ME!" He bellowed, seemingly to get more furious as my sobs grew louder.

Reluctantly, I lifted my watery eyes towards his when my breath caught in my throat. His eyes penetrated mine with an intensity and darkness that made me gasp; it was as if he was looking through my soul , every thought , feeling and memory .

I felt as if he knew my every secret; it felt so intimate and personal that I had to break away my gaze .

"My little human" He purred , his eyes daring me to defy him.

My King Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz