Chapter Ten

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Authors Note: Notified Wattpad that you guys weren't able to comment on chapter 9 which sucked but thank you Midnight_Indigo for the new cover , it's amazing 💜💜.

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions"~
Albert Einstein

"Franco, it's not what you think! Please, wait and listen to what I have to say" I begged as Franco turned to leave.

He paused for a second but that second was all I needed because I said ( with as much confidence and bravery as I could muster ) " Stop right now Franco, I am your Queen and I forbid you from taking another step away from me when I'm speaking to you. Chaos may be mad at me but if I tell him that you disrespected me then he will kill you".

That seemed to do the trick because Franco turned around with a reluctant sigh because it was very evident that Chaos was a very temperamental person who had no qualms in killing people and as I was his mate, he wouldn't hesitate to kill for me.

Of course, I was bluffing as I wouldn't ever stoop to such a low level but he didn't know that; for all he knew I was just as blood thirsty as my mate.

"You have two minutes to explain everything" Sighed Franco , slipping down in the chair grudgingly .

"Me and Your King had a small disagreement the other day about the killing of someone as I felt that it was unnecessary . I'm sure you know by now that Chaos is very stubborn and I'm not trying to do anything crazy or bad, I just want to see the sister of the boy murdered so I explain to her what happened and tell her I'm sorry" I explained to him in my most earnest tone .

"I'm sure if The King killed someone then it was for a good reason" Shrugged Franco.


"Nobody is talking to you, servant! You'd do well to remember your place in this realm and remember that you are vey disposable " Sneered Franco as he harshly cut Sam off.

"They're my friends, don't speak to them like that " I snapped back.

" I did not mean to offend you My Queen but please remember that these people are not your friends, no matter how much you try and sugar coat it. They serve and belong to you ; you own them and decide their fate- you are their God".

I was at loss with what to say because in a way he was right as even if they liked me or not, they couldn't say anything to me because I 'owned them'. The thought made me sad that people's lives were still disposal and in the hands of others, it just didn't seem right or fair.

But I supposed that wherever I was, it was very different from the world I came from as there were no court of laws to restrict these types of things from happening here. The law of this land was Chaos's word, his word was law and it was as simple as that; no ifs, buts or maybes.

However, it made me question if the girls really liked me or if they had to like me as I had really came to enjoy their company and view them as my friends. I loved how Sam was so eccentric and came up with the craziest things to do and how Cindy had a cheeky side and never failed to make me laugh.

"Look, I don't really want to get involved but what I will say is that Chaos has gone to visit his son-"

"Excuse me ?" I interrupted, not sure if I had heard right.

My King Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora