Chapter 15: Brothers

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Daniel Kim

It's been a few days since Valentine is doing training again. I think she's doing good since she started hitting me again with her injured hand but I noticed something weird. She's acting a bit strange around Vince and Troy. I mean, I'm glad that she's not hanging around them like she used to but it already went to the point that she's even cold to Joy, Mark, and me.

"Hey guys, did you know..." Joy said starting off with her usual pitch again.

"Joy, do we always have to eat lunch and listen to your gossip segment?" Val seemed annoyed.

"You have to, this is something big...We know Vince and Troy right? Heartthrob transferees, Sports Gods, the newly crowned Worthington Princes---" Joy was a bit shocked when Val snapped.

"We get it, now what is it?" Val glared at her.

"Apparently our dainty flower boys are corporate heirs." She said.
All three of us had the same shook expression.

"Well they used to be, I mean, I just heard that their dad's company has a new owner and they will only have shares from their brother's company now." She said. After all the gibberish stuff I've heard from her before, this is actually the most intriguing one.

"That's so cool." Mark said,

"W-where do you get these rumors from?" Val said as if she wouldn't believe her.

"Duh, they're not rumors. It's all over the news and everything. And do you know what's more interesting?" Joy said. Mark and I are actually listening.

"What, that they're actually vampires?" Val didn't even bother to look at us.

"Seriously Val, No. It turns out, they have another family member that's gonna take over. I mean, come on, talk about plot twist. What do you think will happen?" She said.
To be honest, I'm not that into knowing what happens with other people's lives especially about those two but since they're so mysterious, suddenly popping in school, and being so close to us, I'm beginning to get curious.

"VAL!" Joys said as Val spaced out again.

"Huh?" Val said.

"What is wrong with you? It's like you entered a different universe or something, SNAP OUT OF IT. Have you heard anything from Vince or Troy?" Joy asked.

" I haven't." She said.
I don't know anything but I hope she opens up to me. I don't wanna ask her because she might find it annoying for something, I'll just wait for her to open up to me.
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Valentine Hart

I'm really worried about what Joy said earlier. It's not that I wasn't expecting it, it was bound to happen anyway.
I just got really scared when Rose called me and asked me how I was, I didn't noticed it then but I quickly went over to their house when she sounded sick.

I know I already said I didn't want to see Vince, Troy or even Adam, but I can't do that to Rose. She never had a mom, and I know how that felt, I'm just thankful that I have my Omma with me.

"Now, go to sleep. I'll be back soon to bring you dinner." I said.
I was relieved when she was just tired and a bit feverish. I called Daniel's mom which she told me to give her lots of fluids and let her rest.

I tucked her in slowly and turned off the lights. As I walked out of her hello kitty room, I saw Vince waiting outside.
"Just so you know, I'm only here because Rose wanted me to." I said while avoiding his stare.

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