Rowan and I headed toward the infirmary.  Everyone else was heading to the weapons room, even though we’d had more than enough back at Division Sixteen.  Roth and Kade were going to the control room. 

“I don’t like this,” Rowan said as we walked quietly down the hallway with our guns drawn down just in case we ran into any Guards. 

“You don’t like what?” I asked, looking behind us.

“You and Kade not talking,” she said.  “You guys are usually always together, but when you’re not, I don’t like it.”

“It’s the only way to keep him safe,” I said.  “If we’re not together, I don’t have any reason to kill him.”

“I still don’t know why they assigned you to kill him,” she said.  “It doesn’t make since.  It’s like we’re at the top of the Directrix’s hit list.”

I laughed.  “That’s because we are,” I said, and sighed.  “Kendric Slayter said that Kade knew too much.  What he knows though, I don’t know what it is.  If I did…”

“You’d ask him about it,” she said.  “I know you would.”

“Well, I don’t know,” I said.  “Because if they want to kill him for knowing the information, they’ll want to kill me.”

She laughed.  “They already want to kill you.”

I smiled.  “True,” I said.  “I guess then I would ask him about it.  Only if he’d talk to me.”

“He’ll get over it,” she said. 

“Yeah, but he holds stuff in for a long time,” I said.  “Up until he just explodes and lets it all out.”

“Well, then, let everything explode,” she said.

“Please don’t say that,” I said, remembering my dream where everything does.  “I’ve already seen that happening in my dream.”

“Oh, right,” she said.  “Sorry.”

I sighed.  “Enough talk about this,” I said as we walked into the infirmary.  It looked almost exactly like Division Sixteen’s.  “What do we need to get?”

Rowan pulled the bag off her back and put it on one of the cots.  “Bandages I know,” she said.  “Ever since you started beating up on Nash every day, we’ve started to run low.”

I smiled.  “True,” I said.  “Let’s just get a couple of the most important things.  But be sure to rearrange so that they won’t notice that anything’s missing.”

After filling up the bag with supplies, Rowan put it on her shoulder and we headed out of the infirmary.  Everything was quiet, maybe a little too quiet. 

“I think something’s wrong,” Rowan said quietly. 

“I think so, too,” I said.

We walked farther down the hallway until we got to a big open area.  And sitting in a small room made of glass in the corner of the room were four Guards.  They were sitting at a table with playing cards in their hands.  There were laughing until the one Guard facing toward us looked up and saw us.

“Run!” I said, and Rowan and I backtracked through back to the infirmary.

We could hear the four Guards chasing after us.  I looked over at Rowan and I knew she was thinking the same as me.  The only way we could get away was if we fought them.  I reached for the other gun strapped to my leg.  Rowan threw the bag down and grabbed hers also. 

Right when I turned around, one of the Guards took hold of my wrist and made me drop the gun.  But he didn’t see the other one in my other hand until I had it pointed at his chest.  But before I could pull the trigger, a hand swung around and jabbed a needle in the Guards neck.  When he fell to the floor, I saw that the other three Guards were the same.

I looked up at Nash with the needle still in his hand.  “What was that?” I asked.

“We weren’t supposed to leave a mess for the other people of Division Four to find,” he said, sighing.  “When they wake up, they won’t remember a thing.”

“Thanks,” Rowan said. 

“No problem,” he said, shrugging.  “Now, everyone’s already back at the helicopters.  We’ve got to go.” 

“What’s wrong?” I asked as we were running toward the doors going out of Division Four. 

“We intercepted a feed saying that all the Guards and staff of Division Four are headed back, so we’ve got to get far away from here,” he said.  He looked over at the bag bouncing against Rowan’s back.  “What’d you guys get?”

“Medical supplies,” I said.

“And more bandages for you,” Rowan said, laughing.

“I guess I’ll need those,” he said. 

We ran out of the gates and into the trees where the helicopters.  Everyone was scrambling to get everything and themselves in them.  But two people were missing.

“Where are Kade and Roth?” I yelled over the chopping of the blades.

“They’re coming,” Dane yelled back from the other helicopter.

And then there they were, running through the trees back toward us.  Kade ran to the other helicopter and jumped in. 

“Are you okay?” Rowan asked Roth when he ran up to us.

“Yeah,” he said, putting his bag in the helicopter.  He took the one from Rowan and put it in also.  “We had a run-in with a Guard.  He should be waking up in a little while though.”

“Come on,” Xander yelled from the pilot’s seat.  “We’ve got to get going.”

Roth helped Rowan in and then jumped up into the helicopter, sitting beside her.  I put my gun back in the holster on my thigh and then turned to get in.  Nash helped me before shutting the door and jumping in the copilot’s seat.

“We’re ready,” Xander said into the headset, talking to Eli in the other helicopter.  “We’ll be right behind you.”

I saw the other helicopter take off and then felt ours do the same.  

The Descendants Series Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now