Heart Breaker

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It dawned on me

I left you behind

I really could see that

You forgave me twice

This is what I had to do

to undo my love to you

Do you think I don't care?

As a matter of fact, I do!

We couldn't be together

We weren't for each other

If this would make it up to you

Try and blame the weather!

I tried to push you out

But you didn't wanna go

You were a knockout

That didn't help though!

There were too many problems

While I haven't solved mine

I couldn't face them

to you it was such a crime!

Do you think I broke your heart?

And I didn't break mine?

True! I loved that part!

A heart breaker in no time!

My Paradigm, My Life in Rhymes!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن