Chapter 2

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The next day, when the doctors have asserted that there's nothing majorly wrong with me, I'm allowed to ski again. After a phone call from my mother that I had been putting off for some time, consisting mostly of 'why weren't you wearing your helmet?' and 'what were you thinking, doing a black run?' I put on my skis and join the queue for the chairlift. Glancing to the right, I see someone that I recognise all too well from last night. I try to inch away from him, but the queue is too dense, so I actually end up being pushed closer and closer towards him, ending up in the row along. The people behind us are hanging back, trying to get one chair for their whole group (why do people do that? Can't they meet at the top?) so we only occupy the spaces on the lift. I try to hang back too, but the grumpy ski lift guy pushes me onto the chair, next to this seriously cute guy. Well, from what I can see underneath his goggles and face thingy, he's cute.

"Hey," he says, pulling down the face thingy and smiling. Oh, that smile. The one where just the corners of his mouth raise, that makes my heart melt I am hoping that he is the sort of weirdo who talks to everyone on lifts, rather than he recognises me, but then he says,

"Are you ok, by the way? You took a pretty nasty fall last night." Crap. He remembers me. "Nice helmet!" I groan exasperatedly.

"Yeah, my mum made me wear it after last night. I don't know why she had to pick yellow though! I mean, of all the colours..." I sigh. The guy grins.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?" he asks suddenly.

"Zoe," I reply shyly. "What's yours?"

"Jordan," he replies. I definitely recognise his voice from somewhere, and his name, and his face actually, but I can't place it. We pass a cafe on the lift, music blaring at full volume - Viva la Vida by Coldplay. I automatically sing along:

"I gaze off into the boundless skyline

Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine

Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield

The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield

And hope one day that this chaos and

Destruction turns for the better

Never a bow in hand

That was when I ruled the land."

The guy next to me grins again.

"What?" I snap. "Is my singing voice really that bad?"

"No," he reples, smirking. "But you were singing Fallen Kingdom." I blush. How could I have been so stupid! Hang on a sec...

"You know Fallen Kingdom?" I ask, surprised. All my friends thought I was really weird when I asked if they knew Fallen Kingdom.

"You could say that," he grins. I am about to ask him what he means, but we are at the top of the chairlift, so I raise the bar (after the provided signboard XD) and slide off. A little down the slope, I check to see if he is following me. Luckily he isn't - after yesterday I promised my mum to stick to blue runs, so he has probably gone down some black somewhere. In fact, I don't see him for the rest of the day, to my relief and disappointment.

>>>Time skip<<<

I lie in bed on my phone, on youtube. I scroll through the list of videos from people I am subscribed to - SkyDoesMinecraft, CaptainSparklez, PewDiePie. Sky seems to have uploaded a new Cops and Robbers video, which I tap on.

"Hey guys, Sky here with TheBajanCanadian, CaptainSparklez, JeromeASF and FISH!!!"

"I'm an amphibian!" The game proceeds with Sky explaining how Cops and Robbers worked, and HuskyMudKipz explaining how he was an amphibian, and most certainly not a fish. I don't really concentrate, and least not until the game gets started, until CaptainSparklez speaks for the first time. Then I literally leap two feet in the air.

I know that voice.

Had I actually and literally been sitting next to CaptainSparklez earlier that day? How had I not realised? I watch a couple of his videos, to try and convince myself that it isn't really him, but with each word I become more and more certain. I spot Fallen Kingdom in his 'popular uploads' and facepalm.

"You know Fallen Kingdom?" I relay in my head.

"You could say that," he had replied with a grin. God. It was him. How fantastically awkward. Well anyway, even if it was really awkward, I MET CAPTAINSPARKLEZ!!! I allow myself a fangirl moment and go to sleep content, playing out perfect situations with him in my head.

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IceCreamSunDaze xxx

Sparks on the slopes - Skiing in Companionship (a CaptainSparklez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now