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A/N I watched a video and got an idea from a reader My_Hairs_a_Poof so BAM! Gay.

James POV

"Oh fuck you, you piece of fucking shit oh my god, you suck dick!" I screamed at the tv, displaying i had just got killed by a hoard of zombies. For the past seven hours I've been in Thomas' basement, blocking everything out with the sound of zombies and gunshots.

Now, mind you, i don't usually use all the "bad" words in my vocabulary in one sentence, but i was pissed. My mom kicked me out of the house again cuz she found my "gay" diary, and all i know now is that this time, im not coming back home.

As i restarted the game and marched toward the zombie tower, i heard a voice behind me, "Um, James? Its three in the morning, why are you screaming at my tv? And more importantly why are you awake? You know, having bags under your eyes is really not attractive."

"Because im escaping the real life so i can be in the pleasures of chopping off zombie heads without worrying about any concerns. And i don't give a fuck about my eyes Thomas," i replied, never taking my eyes off the screen.

He gasped dramatically and plopped beside me, "Did the all holy James just cuss? Oh my lord what has happened to this world we live in." He laughed at his own joke and joined the game. I rolled my eyes, saying nothing as he let me do all the killing and him do the looting.

After a while of silence Thomas muttered, "Is that an updog?" At first i didn't say anything, just focussing on a zombie ahead. "Seriously, is that an updog?"

I rolled my eyes and turned towards him, "Updog?" I literally had no idea what he was saying. The only thing that was around us was an empty room full of corpses.

He smiled at me, "Yeah, updog." I stared at him in confusion, "Okay.....what's updog?" He just stares at me for a couple seconds, then busts up laughing. After a while i finally understood that it was a joke.

I face palmed feeling stupid, then started laughing when looking at Thomas on the floor holding his stomach, a huge smile on his face. Laughing, i said, "I've never seen you this happy."

He tried catching his breath and managed to say, "Never hahahahaha never has that ever worked in my life!"

I rolled my eyes and made a move to pull him back on the couch, but stopped when Thomas jumped back. I didn't know what i did, i just touched his side........hold on.

I looked at him mischievously, "Don't tell me the mighty Thomas is ticklish. Who knew?"

I started tickling his sides, laughing at the expression on Thomas' face, but kept tickling no matter what he said. Between laughter he chocked out, "S-stop, James! T-this isn't f-fair!"

I laughed and finally let him go, him gasping for breath but still smiling, "You are so evil. And to think i have been so nice to you."

I giggled and pecked his cheek, "Of course, what would i do without my hero?" His cheeks turned a scarlet red and he covered his face quickly. I smiled at that and leaned towards him, "Awww, what? Did you not like that? Or did it make you feel-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine. My only thought at this moment was 'Holy shit'. But im not saying it was bad because holy cow it was amazing. I pushed against him, wanting more of what he was giving me.

My hands found there way to his waist and i pulled him even closer to me, enjoying ever moment of this. Thomas wrapped his arms around my neck and flicked his tongue along my bottom lip.

I smiled into the kiss and opened my mouth more, giving him permission. Now if only we didn't have to breathe oxygen because oh my god i never wanted that to end.

We broke apart, each gasping for breath, but still being overwhelmed with happiness. I smirked at him, "I didn't take you for the gay type Tommy," i giggled and he chuckled.

"Oh shut it," he kissed me again, it wasn't as heated as the last one but equally enjoyable. After a while I broke us apart, earning a whine from Thomas, "Okay so quick question, are we a thing now?"

I looked at me and shyly smiled, "Id like to be, but only if you want to. Im not forcing you or anything," he said, looking away from me.

I smiled and giggled, "Sweet! Im not single AND i can piss off my mom." Thomas laughed and i kissed him again.

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