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*Okay so this is for daisyt1718 because i promised a little bit of Mullette (Lafayette x hercules mulligan). I know i said that i would put it in my other story but i feel like it would be better if i just did it here. Anyway hope you enjoy my dude!!*

Lafayette POV

I nervously tapped my fingers against the table i was seated at in the coffee​ shop. I tried to controll my breathing as i mumbled the A, B, C's in french.

I was meeting my online boyfriend today for the first time. I was beyond nervous and i couldn't stop tapping my fingers against the wood.

What if he doesn't like me? What if he thought i looked different? I mean we have video chatted and stuff but i usually covered my face.

Oh god my stomach cant handle this. I feel like im going to puke. Just try and breath mon ami.........breath.

As i somewhat got some control of my breathing, the door to the coffee shop burst open with a ding or the bell and i froze.

The man standing there was tall, dark skinned, had a bandana on.......holy shit.......(laf has a thing for bandana's) and he looked like he just ran a marathon.

As i was dying on the inside with nervousness and joy, he looked over at me and smiled a bright smile.

I felt tears build up in my eyes and i felt all the emotions in me explode, my online boyfriend, right here.

All the times i wanted to hug him, all the times i wanted to kiss him or just feel him all came at once and i broke down......right there in the coffee shop.

He ran over to me and picked me up easily in his arms. He held onto me tight and i held onto him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.

We eventually got kicked out, (motherfucking bastards) but i didn't care. My hercules was with me, holding me and talking to me.

I couldn't have been any happier then i was that day.

Hercules moved in with me the day he came. We got married a year after that (we dated online for about four years) and we adopted two kids (i dont know when, use your imagination).

We both grew old together and got to see our kids grow up too. So basically you could say we lived happily ever after. (god this is so cliche xD)

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