Cock Blocker

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James POV

I scanned my eyes across the pages, wolfing down every word with my eyes.

This book was the fourth in my favorite series, Thomas got me it yesterday and since then I've been in our bed or couch, head in book.

I picked a good stopping point and looked over at the clock next to our bed, seeing that it was already 7:45 pm. I smiled knowing that Thomas was going to be here from work in a couple minutes.

To make time fly by faster i went to go eat some spaghetti. Thomas and i got this apartment a couple months ago and I've been in love with it ever since.

It was a modern apartment, not too fancy, but then again not a complete run down. I felt more at home here then i ever did anywhere else.

As i was walking to the kitchen our white cat, Snow, came and rubbed against my leg, purring loudly and looked outright adorable.

I smiled and gently picked up the small white bundle of fur and joy, then continued my journey to the kitchen.


I lay bored on our bed. Thomas was late and i was done reading my book so i just stared at the ceiling, petting Snow gently while she slept on my stomach.

Right when i was about to drift off to sleep i heard the front door slam open. Excited, i sat up a little too quickly, causing poor Snow to fall off me and onto the floor.

"Sorry, love," i said to the cat as she walked away, probably going to bother Thomas.

I could hear feet shuffling to the bedroom, keys jingling and i smiled when i say Thomas open the door.

He walked over to me, taking off his black jacket, throwing his keys and wallet somewhere on the floor, then falling on me and stuffing his face in my chest.

I chuckled lightly, combing through his hair gently and holding him close, "Had a bad day?"


I took that as a yes and held him even closer, kissing his head full of curls and saying soothing things too him.

After a while he sat up and looked at me straight in the eyes, "What did i do to deserve you?"

I laughed lightly and smiled, "You said i was cute when working at that coffee shop and i gave you my number."

He laughed, "Then your boss kicked me out for "disturbing the costumers".

We both laughed at that and he sat on my lap, straddling me with his legs.

He smiled at me with loving eyes, "I love you."

I wrapped my arm around his waist and put my hand on his cheek, "I love you too."

He leaned down towards me and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled him closer to me, deepening the kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and i wrapped my arms around his back, rubbing up and down. After a while it started to get a little more heated, both of us breathing heavily and rubbing against each other.

His hand slowly moved down towards my waist when i felt a soft furry thing sit between me and Thomas.

I broke the kiss and looked down to see Snow sitting right in the middle of us, looking up innocently.

I bust out laughing and Thomas just grumbled, "I hate that cat."

While i was still laughing my head off Thomas picked up Snow and stared at her, "Snow, you are a literal cock blocker."


Ha! You thought i would write smut huh? Well then i got you goooooooood. Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this one and please, ideas are awesome so fill free to stat them.

Bu bye---

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