Chapter XXIII: At Fault

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He had turn to all cheery to all silent. The girls kept squealing over Kazuki when they found out about him, few trusted heroes, including my classmates were told about who Kazuki really is. The boy, when still identified as Shinsuo's niece seems to be all cheerful around me, yet today he had been trying to hide from the girls who wants to pinch his cheeks.

"AI thought he was a girl." Mineta began to sulk, about it as I laugh at his agony. When his face looks disgusted back then when I ask him or her about boyfriends it also made sence.

He was acting back then after all.

"Dad?" I choke on my own saliva as I cough several times, before glancing at the boy.

"Good, God! Don't call me that!"

"I thought you were alright with that." It was until I remembered that he call Deku mom. It makes me grow all embarrassed after that.

"You seem to enjoy Tokoyami's company." I pointed out, changing the topic, knowing that he has been with Tokoyami since this morning, hiding in his office reading a book. He likes being with most of the boys except Mineta, anywhere but Mineta.

"He's silent and all, and his point of views in everything is nice. The dark shadow seems very interesting as well. I mean I've been a fan of you since I saw the video of the Sports Festival." He smiled, sitting beside me carrying a book again.

"He was Mom's teammate during the calvary battle." It flash in my mind how she came flying right above me and Todoroki, how she used our backs as a stepping stone to be ahead of us. She wasn't even using her quirk.

That was the day that Todoroki began to like her, how the whole class was trying to get them together and now it's pissing me off.

Then his phone suddenly rang, he look horrofied when his phone rang.

"It's mom..." His hands were trembling.

"Don't answer it, it might be a trap." Todoroki interupted staring at the phone.

"Bu-but there's a possibility it might be really her." He bit his lower lip, the phone not even stopping as it continued ringing.

"She did not answer your call for the past three months, it's too risky."

"There's a possibility Todoroki."

"There's a possibility that she's in the villains' hands! You saw what happened in the airport didn't you? There was a member who can change his appearance, he's capable of fooling you!"

"It could be her to!" I almost half yelled, Inwas yearning like Kazuki, not seeing her is too much and knowing she hadn't return makes me dead worried, even Shinsuo who has been with her for almost two years admit that he's worried.

"Fine... Don't answer it Kazuki... Text her back, we'll track where the cignal came from and go there." Todoroki suggested as Kazuki hesitantly nodded.

"Are you going to capture her?"

"Even if we want to, we can't. She can go out if prison no matter how tight the security is." Todoroki uttered, leaning back gkaring at me.

"If this messed up, I warned you Bakugou... Your feelings toward her is your enemy today." He turned his back on me, and much to my surprise the mansion was what thre gps is telling. Only a few knows about the house, then how on earth could a villain find it? It should be her!

"Do espers have weaknesses?" I asked as our eyes met.

"Of course, since their powers from the brain, if you manage to damage it, it's all over." Kazuki told me. "Mental torture can work to."

"They're still terribly powerful though. Almost imposible to defeat." He says, looking away.

The trip towards the mansion was quick, some of our classmates voluntered to come with us worried of her as well. By the time we reach the litted mansion, Kazuki jump out of the car calling for her name.

"Kazuki!" The door flew open, relief once I saw her... It surprises me that her eyes were once again emerald, as the boy went to hug her.

"Where have you been? I've been worried of you!" He demanded as she merely laughs, the laughter being similar to the time when she was still in hospital.

"I'm sorry sweet plum, it's a long story I've been busy."

"You could have at least answer my calls!" Everything bagan to feel kinda odd, the atmosphere's growing risky as I felt eyes over us.

"I can't... It was too risky for the villains to find out about you." That was the time when she look at us. From that second I immediatly know it wasn't her, her eyes suddenly turning gold for a slit second.

"Kazuki... Go away from her..." I uttered glaring at the imposter.

"What's wrong, Kacchan? Are you jealous?" Kazuki looks alarmned enough when he glance at me.

"Let the boy go..."

"But I missed him..." Kazuki once look back at her.

"You're not my Izuku." He uttered, an explotion happening between them. It was strong it shattered the glasses on the windows of the mansion. We all covered our eyes because of the light as I covered my mouth.

"I'm sorry! Please hold your breath!" Oh shit, was this that toxic quirk?!

"You're not going anywhere! Boy!" Hideki merely laughs, now showing his true appearance.

A wall of fire then appeared between us and Kazuki.

"Kazuki!" I screamed, not finding any entrance from anywhere. Not even seeing the boy when the fire rose.

It's too hot!

"Kazuki!" I screamed again, as Todoroki manage to freez the fire. Much to our surprise not even, ice could stop it.

"We need to leave now!" Yaoyorozo uttered aloud.

"But Kazuki!" Then the fire vanished, we saw nothing but a destroyed house and no more.

I fell on my knees, blaming myself from everything that just happened.

Blinded by my feelings toward her, I place the brats life in danger. A life that was entrusted to me.

Shinsuo trusted me with the boy.

Fuck it....


*thinks of different ideas because the chapter is somewhat lame*

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