Chapter XI: Red Eyes

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"You're still working on that case?" I ask Mirio as he was holding papers regarding this lady named Hirona Aoi. She's been missing for almost two years, a well knowned doctor yet she suddenly desappeared... Sounds like someone I know, the difference is she was abducted and there was no single lead or trace left after her disappearance.

"She might be dead by now." I uttered, wearing my coat, carrying my case containing my hero's outfit. I lossen my tie a bit, planning of giving an old man a visit for the evening before going home.

He obviously didn't like my statement, but he's a candidate of being the number one hero, a small case such as this should be handed to those with less responsibilities over their shoulder. He has too much to do, after All Might retired he had be struggling as reality slapt him with a huge responsibility of being a symbol.

He just became a hero, and after being one of the 20 strongest, his rank rank still rising All Might suddenly retired. Although others said that All Might has been waiting for someone to replace him, and Mirio rising was the cue it was just too much of a coincidence considering that Mirio has two quirks, one similar to All Might.

I was later confronted with the truth that All Might gave him his quirk, for the sake of letting All for One to go on and for the world to maintain it's symbol. The world after all obviously needed a symbol as those with dark desire would sprung out of nowhere without it. It was too much of a job among heroes right after All Might retired many villains dared yet ultimately failed.

We had to make sure they all fail, and the heroes society was glad enough that Mirio had mamage to inculcate fear among the villains, making the job a little easier aftet All Might retired. Many still don't believe that he could ne the number one hero, many are foolish to think that he wasn't powerful even stupid to think that it's safe to go oit of the hiding hall now that the cat is gone although kittens still scattered around.

They underestimated the precautions made by the heroes from the moment All Might retired, the government saw this coming, they didn't want the citizen to live in fear, and thus every heroes and sidekicks performed great those pass few years and the capture of the 8 Perceps of Death was one of our biggest achievements so far and the heroes went on with the search to capture those hiding from the law. The associations were creating an alliance, a bond, stronger than ever. I actually liked it considering that I would meet the rest if my classmates sometimes.

"She's not dead actually, I have a report recently that she's currently under the care of an Orphanage. Memories completely wiped out." I looked somehow shock, I hope that happens to Deku then I'll just convince her that we're married or something so that she would forget the accident that happened.

"Probably wondered around and met a guy with an erasing memory quirk eh?" He laughs.

"I don't think so, maybe the kidnappers had a quirk like that... The family is glad enough though." He stated, as my heart sank. Our eyes later met as I know that he knows that this case reminded me of her. I loved her so much, didn't changed even if she went missing because I understood that she was too guilty for that murder.

"Congratulations though, for finally getting laid... Mineta kept saying you'll die a virgin." My face burned red,remembering my 18th birthday when I was dragged into a bar by the boys and the next morning I found myself on a bed strip naked, a woman with purple eyes and straight dark green hair smiling at me.

I hate that woman... Probably kbew I'm kinda rich, drugged my drink and then brought me in a hotel.

Then she took my wallet. Luckily she left my phone.

"Fuck you and fuck them for telling you." The information was kind late since it happened a year ago.

"Bet he moaned 'Izuku' instead though." Nijire laughs as I am rather certain that I did.

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