Levi x Reader [12]

Start from the beginning

"So, how did it go?"

"Hmm.." I'm not sure if he did that because he liked the massage or if he's trying to collect the right words to describe the expedition.

"As usual, we lost a fuck ton of good people." He clicked his tongue, his eyes still shut.

The night went on with stories of the expedition outside the walls and his rants on how he wasn't able to save at least half of the people who died. I tried my best to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but I don't think it was enough to convince him.


I woke up, scrunching my nose because the sunlight irritated me. I slowly but surely opened my eyes so the light doesn't blind me. When I completely adjusted to the brightness of the sun, I sat up and looked at the sleeping figure beside me. Levi's back was facing me. He looked so peaceful. I smiled at the beauty in front of me. I am so damn lucky to have him.

We knew this day would come,
we knew it all along

I left him to sleep in for a few more minutes or maybe hours, he deserves it. I want to spend more time with him but I didn't want to be selfish. I know we have more time to bond before the Commander summons them back to their HQ again.

I went to the kitchen to see my sister, already prepared the breakfast for the four of us. I smiled at her as a thank you and she returned the gesture.


"Why didn't you wake me up?" He hugged me from my back. His breath touched my skin and his voice was hoarse because he just woke up and it was so sexy. I felt my whole body quiver.

"I figured you were too tired so I let you rest for a little while. Although it did tempt me to wake you up. You looked sexy topless." I am already facing him and there was a smirk plastered on my face as I stared hungrily at his mouth. Eventually, he smirked too.

"Come with me." He whispered in my ear and tugged me back inside our shared room. I chuckled wholeheartedly at his actions.

He locked the door behind him while looking straight into my eyes. He walked in a slow motion towards me. I bit my lower lip, and with that, he grabbed my arms and instantly kissed me. I hungrily kissed back.

His hands are now traveling at my back to my butt, with a desperate squeeze. I flinched a little, but continued to kiss him. It was a long and heated kiss, and we pulled away to breathe.

Our heavy breathing was synchronized. His piercing raven eyes are perfectly aligned with mine. He's slowly creeping forward while I crept backward so that we reach the bed that was made but is bound to get messy again.

I lay down, he was now on top of me. He took off his clothing first and took mine off after. Without further ado, he thrusts himself inside me.

Fuck, I thought I have already memorized how wonderful this feels like, but he makes me feel like it's our first time all over again.

We are panting heavily but we are perfectly aware of the other two people that are present inside our house, so we did our best not to make a sound. We wouldn't scar a little boy's mind for life! So, we tried our best not to make it loud enough for them to hear it.

Levi x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now