3. Hand Cuffed

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The next few days shit started getting weird. On the second day I learned his name. Kim Taehying. I tried to ignore him all day but I caught him multiple times looking my way with a strange look. During the fifth period, I was seated behind him , he suddenly turns behind and talks to me for the first time. "Hey, what's the  time table for today?" I freeze. Did he just talk to me? Why even? Out of all the people in the class why did he ask me? He could've asked anyone else anyone else. "uh.." I stammer a bit "..business then economics I guess.." I say awkwardly. Good work Liza! You made a fool out of yourself. "kay, thanks!" he says and smiles at me Weird. Now this shit carries on for the next few days, he tries to make small talk with me very now and then and I give him short, to the point answers. On day four he asks me about Accounting's homework. On day five he borrows a pen from me. On day seven he came and tried to sit at my table in the cafeteria but Jay came by then filling up the seat so he went away.
"What is his problem?" she says annoyingly.
"I know right? And why does the whole class follow him everywhere? I get sooooo annoyed!"
"Totally! Everyone kisses his ass and girls can't get enough of him. He doesn't even give a damn about any of them, he thinks very highly of himself" she says while rolling her eyes. "I am so glad you're not one of those annoying bitches who throw themselves at him all the time. He's a total player ya know..stay away from him"
"Um, alright.." I say whilst I’m fumbling with my hands.
Three weeks pass by and I am convinced something is up with Kim taehyung. I guess he's stalking me, he keeps trying to talk to me, asking me lame stupid questions that he can ask anyone else and I bet he doesn't care about anything that happens in college anyway. And Jay on the side keeps warning me to stay away from him and it all gets a bit annoying. The month of  February passes by and March comes. Our college announces that there’s a history day taking place in the second week and we have to prepare plays for it. Our class got divided in 3 groups for the play and we all get busy with the plays and rehearsals.
Now the real thing happens on history day. I got the role of Cleopatra, frankly I didn't give two shits about the play but I was forced by the teachers to participate as they thought I'm perfect for the role. Kim Taehyung's  group was doing a play on Martin Luther King Jr. and he got to play a cop. I won't deny he looked hot as fuck in that cop suit and everyone was literally drooling and taking selfies with him like he's some celebrity. Every group's play went well and we all enjoyed and I was the only one who ran out of fucks to give and just wanted to go home but if only I knew I wasn't getting to go home so soon that day. At the end of the day we all got together in the auditorium listening to the remarks of the guests. The room was packed full and we were kinda running out of space. I was standing next to Kim at the very back of the room and I felt something around my wrist followed by a sound "click!"
I try to move up my arm but realized I have been hand cuffed with Kim Taehyung. WHAT THE HELL? WHO THE HELL DID THAT??

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