Yoongi- fluff

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Put your pants on
Type: fluf


"You're going down," you hissed, as Yoongi began rolling the dice in his hands. Your eyes narrowed as you stared at his intense face as he dropped the die one by one onto the game board.
His eyes followed the small cubes as they landed, squinting as they slowly came to a stop. Where a cocky expression had been sitting before, his face soon fell into something resembling disbelief.
"This is...the third time...I've landed on Park Place," Yoongi spat, his closed fists beginning to shake.
"And you know what that means..." you whispered, wiggling your eyebrows. "Pay up."
"This is a stupid game," he grumbled, launching to his feet and unbuckling his belt. He slid it from around his waist and let it drop to the floor with a clink.
"That hardly counts as an item of clothing," you chuckled, eying the belt lazily.
"I hate you," Yoongi whispered, sliding off his jacket and letting it drop to the floor around him. He shivered as the air hit his bare arms and he sat down again.
"Is that technically an item of clothing? I thought we were playing off of the premise of-" you began, but a death glare from Yoongi immediately halted your words. "Alright, alright, it counts...jees."
You looked over to the windows shedding a dull light into the living room. Rain fell heavy against the panes, an occasional wind whistling past the glass. On a day much like today, you had discovered the game of strip Monopoly, 95line heading up the initiative as per usual. Yoongi hadn't played last time, which made it an easy sell for him today, considering he had no idea the specifics until it was too late. He wasn't one to quit, even if he was going to end up half naked.
"It's your turn," Yoongi pouted, crossing his now bare arms and staring at you.
"You sure you don't want to go again?" you giggled. "Get your inevitable suffering over as quickly as possible?"
"I don't know if I said this loud enough earlier," Yoongi mumbled. "But I hate you."
"Hate is a strong word," you nodded, picking up the die and shaking them in your closed hands. "What you mean to say is you envy my tactical skill and ability to talk you into promiscuous situations."
"Nope, I meant to say I hate you," he nodded, furrowing his brows.
You grinned as you dropped the dice, completely at ease with the situation before you. Yoongi possessed a few railroads and the electric company, but most of his properties were trash.
"Ah-ha!" he gasped, launching his fist into the air.
"...Baltic Avenue?" you whispered, lifting a brow. "Yoongi, why are-"
"You owe me...one sock!" he exclaimed, a proud smile on his face.
"Well who am I to deprive a man of his sock," you hummed, yanking the piece of clothing off. "Your turn."
Yoongi grabbed at the dice, giving them a happy shake as he looked down at the board. Not many people were aware, but Yoongi teetered on the side of optimism during most boardgames. He was an advocate for the underdog and was convinced he could come from behind.
"Two," he nodded, moving his small scotty dog accordingly. "Boardwalk? Is this real life right now?"
"Oh, it is definitely real life," you cackled, rubbing your hands together. "You owe me pants."
"No, I refuse. The dice are rigged," he said, shaking his head.
"What? With tiny weights? You think that much of my cheating prowess?" you gasped, now your turn to shake your head. "Pants."
Yoongi groaned as he pulled himself to his feet again. He bit his lip, avoiding eye contact as he unbuttoned his jeans.
"You have so many holes in those things, frankly it's like you're only wearing half pants as it is," you chuckled.
"Half pants?" he croaked, raising his eyebrows. "Surely you mean shorts?"
"No, I mean half pants," you nodded with a grin. "Unlike the full pants, which now belong to me because your rent is due."
"I've never hated Monopoly more than I do in this moment," Yoongi hissed, closing his eyes as he slid the zipper down and began to shimmy the denim down his thighs. You blinked, attempting to not let the appearance of Yoongi's pale skin catch you off guard. His pants fell to the hard wood floor with a plop and he winced as he kicked them away.
"Yoongi," you whispered, incapable of a functioning thought.
"If you don't roll immediately, I am rage quitting and flipping the board," he grumbled, sitting back down. You nodded in silence, returned to the dice, and rolled quickly.
"Nine," you hummed, moving your thimble accordingly.
"What are the chances," Yoongi growled with a sadistic grin. "My electric company. Min electric, if you will. I believe that warrants a...t-shirt."
You remained silent, blinking heavily as you attempted to think your way out of the situation. Yoongi had already caught on, clucking as he shook his head.
"No, no, no thinking," he smiled. "Just do."
"Really is it worth a shirt?" you asked, tilting your head. "Isn't it more like the opposite sock? Maybe a belt?"
"Do not make me come across this game board, Y/N," Yoongi tested. You remained silent, trying to come up with another argument. He lifted his brows, uncrossed his arms, and lunged at you with open hands.
"Yah!" you gasped as his half naked frame tackled you. "Yoongi! Get off!"
"You owe me a shirt!" he whined, straddling your hips. He tugged at the thin cotton covering your torso, only halting once your flesh was exposed. Upon seeing your skin, he inhaled sharply, his eyes gliding over your body. "Not to sound crude, but holy shit."
"Yoongi," you whispered, completely having given up the fight. You bit your lip as he continued to analyze you. A million thoughts were floating in your mind, growing more anxious and nervous as he continued to look. With hesitant hands he reached down, running his fingers down the smooth skin of your stomach. He sighed in contentment before looking up at you again.
"Can I?" he said shortly.
You weren't exactly sure what he was asking permission for, but you were going to grant it anyway.
You nodded shortly, watching curiously as he leaned down, placing his lips on the skin just below your collar bone. He didn't waste any time, sliding his mouth down the middle of your torso, peppering your body with small kisses and bites, leaving tiny marks of red and purple in his wake.
"Yoongi," you hissed, your hands reaching up to dive deep into his hair. You pulled lightly, causing him to growl against your body, sending vibrations along your skin.
"Y/N," he whispered back, his face traveling back up to hover over yours. A small smirk found his lips as he glanced at you, looking away before he spoke again. "I guess monopoly isn't all that bad."
"Oh dear god, in the living room?" a deep voice gasped, springing you from your intimacy. Yoongi sat up immediately, looking over his shoulder at the two younger members who had appeared. He instinctively tugged your t-shirt back down, covering up your exposed body from their sight. Taehyung's jaw was nearly on the floor and JImin's cheeks were flushed a bright red.
"Put your pants on," JImin said quietly. "And I would just like to note, I am mildly offended that we were not invited to this."
"We introduced you to strip monopoly and this is how you repay us?" Taehyung said, visibly irritated. "Also, nice ducks hyung."
You looked down, realizing for the first time that Yoongi's boxer briefs were covered in a pattern that featured tiny rubber ducks. You giggled, patting his stomach lightly from your position on the floor. He grinned at your giggles, rolling off of you and plopping beside you, letting a chuckle out as well.
"Sooo, should we take off our shirts and carry on from there?" Jimin asked, lifting a brow.
"Or you can go back to your rooms," Yoongi smirked, looking back at you. "And we can carry on from here."

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