Chapter 48

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Dawn's POV

I sit in my old, creaking chair with my ankles crossed on my desk, and finish off the last problem on my maths homework. I turn around to see Jesse passed out on my bed, giving a small smile at how peaceful he looked.

I lay down beside him. Jim isn't home yet, so I took this as an opportunity to relax a little.

I look at the time.


Letting out a content sigh, I close my eyes.

I giggle as daddy spins us around in circles, one arm holding me and the other holding my hand out.

At the end of the song, he dipped me, making me giggle more.

"Alright you two, time for bed," mommy says as she laughs.

"Awh, one more dance?" I plead, wanting to dance with daddy more.

"Sorry, hun, you have school and he has work," she says.

Daddy puts me down, but kisses my cheek.

I smile, kissing his back.

"I love you, Raine Drop, but she's the boss," he says with fake seriousness.

Mommy slaps his shoulder, but laughs then looks at me with a smile.

"Come one, honey, time for bed."

I open my eyes, and stare at the ceiling. With a sad sigh, I get up from bed and stretch before going down stairs to start dinner.

I quietly sang as I cooked up some teriyaki chicken and rice. I heard the song on the radio, and it was pretty catchy, so I settled for that one.
(A/N: the song at the top)

"Tell me baby, tell me slowly," I put the bag of rice on the pot of water.

"All the things you couldn't show me," I took out some raw chicken, and started cutting it, "tell me one more time before I leave."

I put the chicken on a pan, stirring from time to time so it wouldn't stick.

"Now I see you never knew me, look at you, you look right through me," I move to the fridge and get out some teriyaki sauce, "tell me one more time before I go."

Stir the chicken some more.

"I don't believe you when you say you love me most and tell me I'm the only one," I fix up the rice, "and I can't feel you when you're touching me and telling me that this time you want all of me," I mix every thing together, and was to focused on all I was doing I didn't hear the door open or close.

I sing a little louder, and put a little more into it, "and you don't hear me when I tell you that it's all or nothing, all or nothing, baby please," I keep stirring, "let go of me."

I finished his dinner, and clean up my mess. When I'm done I go back upstairs and take a shower.

Ryders POV

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