Chapter 17

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Hey loves!! So, I took a 6 hour nap today! And guess what! I'M STILL REALLY TIRED!!! I don't know why, but I've been extremely tired lately. My boyfriend(insert heart) has been worrying about it, but I tell him not to. "But i will anyways because i love you" is what he says. Yeah... he won that argument with that one sentence. Clever little shit.
My parents haven't noticed, considering they have 7 kids. Like, really? IT'S CALLED A CONDOM, DAD!!!!!! And being the oldest (along with my twin) doesn't really help my sleepiness problem either, because I have to baby sit the little monsters. FML
Anyways, on Saturday (which was yesterday), I literally slept all day!! And when I woke up (I went to sleep at 8:00PM on Friday, and woke up at 12:00PM on Saturday-16 hours of sleep-), I was still really sleepy for the rest of the day. Again, FML. And I don't have a fever, or anything. So I'm not sick. Just extremely tired. And, no, I am not narcoleptic either.
And, in school, the people that bully me have noticed I haven't been defending my self like a usually do (When they pick on me or tease me, I get defensive and stuff), and so they've been laying off. Yupps. I'm just their own little amusement show. How lucky am I!?! Not very. At least they don't bother me as much.

Well, enough about me. How are you guys? Anything exciting or cool happen?

Okay, I need y'all to comment your favorite bands, singers, and just any music artist!! Okay? Okay.

I totally did not mean to put a The Fault In Our Stars quote!


Ryder's POV

"I don't know what to get them either!" I shouted at Beau.

"Well, we need to get them something!" He shouts back

It's TJ and Jon's birthday, and we have no clue what to get them. Yeah, they are our best friends, so we should know what to get them, but, you see, the two are very picky, Jon mostly. And Jon has a bad temper, and we don't want him to end up like he did last year.

"We should just get them al-" I was saying, but got ran into by a cart.

"What the hell you fucking-" I yelled, but stopped when I saw the two familiar faces in front of me.

"Uh...hi..." I said, feeling awkward.

Jesse held out his hand, and I took it.

He hoisted me up, with some help from the cart.

"D-dude! Th-that w-was hilarious!" Beau says between laughs.

Ass hole

"Again, I'm sorry Ryder" Jesse says, putting his hand on the back of his neck.

"No, it's cool man. Accidents happen" I say with a shrug.

"What. The. Actual. Fudge" Beau says, eyes wide, and his jaw dropped.

"If that was anyone else, you would've beat the shit out of them already!" He exclaims

I see a flash of worry on Dawns face, and she looks at Jesse, but it quickly vanishes.

I must be seeing things.

"Yeah. If that was anyone else" I said, emphasizing 'anyone else'.

Beau rolled his eyes, and turned to Jesse and Dawn.

"Hey Dawn. Hey..." he trailed, not remembering her little brothers name.

"Jesse," he answered.

"Jesse. Hi" Beau says.

"So, Dawn, where've you been?" I asked.

Her and Jesse looked at eachother.

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