Chapter 27

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Ryder's POV

"You okay, Jen?" I asked, "you've been a little quiet lately..."

"I'm fine" Jenny replied, staring at her homework, and furrowing her eyebrows.

She is obviously not confused about the advanced algebra that's on the paper. She has a deep thoughtfull look...

I gave TJ a questioning look and he shrugged, and stared at her with concern.

"Babe, you wanna go to my house?" He asked her.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Can I leave my stuff here, Ryder? We're coming back later to hang out anyways, so.." Jenny trailed.

"Yeah. It's fine." I replied.

I gave Jenny a hug, and TJ a fist bump.

When they left, I decided to take a nap.

I took off my white T-shirt, and traded my jeans with sweat pants.

I got under my blankets, and dozed off into a deep sleep.

Jenny's POV

"Baby?" TJ asked

"Yeah?" I responded, my cheeks turning a light pink.

"Whats wrong?"

I started out the window for few seconds.

"I don't know what your talking about" I finally said, playing stupid although I knew it wouldn't work.

He slammed on the brake peddle, making me jerk forward.

"What the fu-" I started, but was interrupted.

"Don't lie to me Jennifer Ann," he said, making me flinch at the sound of my full name, "We have been together too long for you to lie to me. Either tell me whats wrong, or else." He told me, looking straight into my eyes.

"Or else what?" I said challengingly, staring into his eyes as well.

He stared at me for a few seconds, and I kept ete contact.

He finally looked back at the road, and continued the drive to his house.

When we got there, he grabbed my arm, not tight enough to hurt me, but tight enough to keep me from getting away.

He dragged me through the door, and i saw that his mom is home.

"Hey Brittany!" I called to her while TJ continued to drag me up the stairs.

"Hi Jenny!" I heard her call back.

When we finally got to his bedroom, he through me on the bed, and shut his door, locking it too.

He speed walked to his king sized bed, hopped on it, then got on top of me, straddling my waist.

"Whats wrong?" He asked

I squirmed, trying to find a way to get out of his hold.

"I'm afraid squirming will only make it worse for you, Jennifer." He informed me.

I kept squirming until realized what he meant.

I looked down to see his "member" was... Is disturbed a good way to put it?

I looked back at his face to see him wearing his stupid, yet sexy, smirk that I wanted to slap off his face.

"You gonna answer sweet heart, or do you need to be motivated?" He asked, raising his eye brows.

The Bad and The BrokenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora