Chapter 4

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Evander wouldn't be able recall a word that Mr. Gorbs was saying if his life depended on it. His attention span was dead because of the incident during lunch period. He could feel Betty's eyes burning the back of his head. She'd been sitting in the back staring at him ever since the second half of history started. Is she really back there still staring? He thought. He spun around in his desk to see. Yep. There she was, sitting with her arms crossed giving him her typical cunt stare. Evander stayed in his position for a second longer, glaring at her back. Finally he decided to turn back around and face Mr. Gorbs.

Moments later he feels two pokes on his left shoulder. He turned around to see the girl that sat behind him pointing in the back of the room towards Betty.

"She wants you," the girl whispers.

He glances in the direction the girl is pointing, only to see Betty holding her middle finger up at him. She was saying silently with only her lips, 'Fuck you.'

"Evan," Mr. Gorbs says, "Are you with me? Because I keep seeing you turning and looking back as if what's back there is more important than what I'm saying up are you with me, Evan?"

Evander saw Lace a few desks ahead looking back at him.

"Yeah, I'm with you," Evander replies.

Mr. Gorbs stared at him for a second, then he turned away and began talking to the rest of the class again.

Betty is so full of it, he thought, she just wants extra free cash to spend in Klammath Falls. But that won't happen though.

Every time Night Wolf High has an away game in another city that's further away, the sports teams along with the cheerleaders would leave two days before the actual game day. During those two days everyone would have their fun, renting out hotel rooms and hanging out at malls to shop. Then when the game day comes they'd all stay one more night then start heading back the following morning. During these times of the year Evander thought it was nothing but a big spending spree. He thought kids were only wasting loads of money and then hauling back a bunch of crap they wouldn't care about in the next month or two. A few parents called in and complained about it last year. But their complaints did no good. The two day fun periods was an extra for students who played sports at the school.

He felt two more pokes on his shoulder then he spun around only to see the same girl pointing in the back at Betty, who was still flipping him off. Evander silently lipped the words, 'Go fuck yourself.' He didn't know if she could make out what he said or not, but he hoped so.

"Evan!" Mr. Gorbs exclaims, "if I see you being of task again - you're out!"

  Evander sighed and spun back around in his desk. As soon as Mr. Gorbs started lecturing and pasting again, the girl behind him tapped his shoulder once more. Hell naw, I'm not bout' to get sent out, He thought. But he found it hard to ignore with her constantly doing it non-stop. Come on, stop! He thought, I'm not turnin' around for her ass again.

When Mr. Gorbs turned his back and walked to the chalkboard, he instantly spun around and whispered to the girl behind him, "Tell her to leave me alone! I'm not -"

"Evan! Down to the principal's office," Mr. Gorbs boomed.

Evander spun around then stood up out of his desk, shouting, "What?! Why don't you check Betty back there, flippin' me off."

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything wrong. Just hurry up and make this weirdo go away Mr. Gorbs!" Betty lied. Mr. Gorbs glared at her then put his hand up, implying that she stopped speaking. He glares back at Evander.

"Evan, down to the principal's office," he says.

"I just told you, Betty was messin' with me first!" Evander yells, turning and pointing at the girl behind him afterwards, "She the one who keep pokin' my shoulder telling me that Betty doing it."

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