Chapter 3

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Evander thought sitting through Mr. Gorbs's class was a bite in the ass. As usual. Mr. Gorbs was in front of the class pasting back and forth, going over all the typical stuff related to history; world war 2, Hitler, Nazi's, etc. As Evander sat and watched Mr. Gorbs constantly paste the floor he watched his big round belly bounce up and down, holding a slightly disgusted face. The sunlight gleaming through the window shined on his bald head.

Out of the blue he thought of his afro pick again. Where the hell did I put it? Evander thought. This morning before coming to school he didn't have his pick to fix his hair the way he wanted it, so he used Mrs. Slain's. He planned on getting another sometime during the week.

For the past half hour he noticed someone in the back of room that kept watching him. Betty. That same girl he encountered twice yesterday; The first time being while he was standing across the street from the bus stop where Angelica was, and the second time by the river with Lace.  Every time he turned and glanced behind him he would see her glaring at him from the corners of her eyes. He knew this wasn't good, because Betty is the last girl he wanted to be involved in anything with. Even if it was something as small as the game she's trying to play with him now.

Ever since he's started high school as a freshman at Night Wolf High, Betty has been a very negative person in his life.  She's always been a bitch. For some reason she just hates Evander, and she's always finding some way to break him. He still can't figure out why that is. She sometimes does it to Lace too but that's only because he's with Evander everyday.

Insults, minor assaults, and occasional false accusations is what Him and Lace expected from Betty for the past three years. No, she wasn't a bully. Evander didn't even view her as such, because if he could just drop kick her ass without having to deal with Mrs. Laney, he would. Mrs. Laney was far from being helpful, because Betty was one of the many principal's pets around the school. Going to Mrs. Laney for help when dealing with a Betty encounter was like jumping from hot water to frying grease.

One of Evander's most painful memories involving Betty was just last year. Him and Lace were just being like everyone else in the cafeteria, minding their own business and eating. But then Betty decided to just walk into the cafeteria and pour her entire carton of milk into Evander's afro. He could feel streams of milk dashing across his scalp. The milk then traveled from his head down the front of his face. The cafeteria up roared in laughter. Kids drew their cellphones and began snapping pictures. Some kids over exaggerated, jumping from their seats and pointing at Evander while laughing hysterically. A strange sensation of terror, anger, and embarrassment shot through him. Betty just turned and walked away as if nothing happened. Evander let his anger get the best of him and he jumped up, almost chasing after her, but luckily for him, Lace stopped him.

"No dude stop, you can't!" Lace warned, holding Evander back with a hand on his chest, "You know how Mrs. Laney is on boys who assault girls."

Evander made the best decision by listening to Lace.

"You can't dude, just chill," Lace warned again. Evander watched Betty walk out the cafeteria, with the fronts of his eyebrows dying to meet his nose.

Every time he relives that day, the same strange combo of emotions he felt during the moment comes back as if it just happened a week ago. His parents were outraged when he returned home and they got the news. Especially his mom.

"You know what, I'm bout' ready to go up there and tell everybody off. Mrs. Laney and Betty!" Mrs. Slain said, scrubbing Evander's scalp with shampoo, "This been going on for too long."

After she washed Evander's hair, her and Mr. Slain called up to the school and complained about the incident to Mrs. Laney, who made a false promise saying,

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