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    Really people really? I can't believe I have to point this out. LEARN HOW TO PUNCTUATE YOUR STORIES FUCKERS!!!!!!!!! I mean, come on! Is it really that hard to use a space or semicolon? Hell, even a fucking period or question mark?! Apparently, it is! Also, PEOPLE APPARENTLY CAN'T TELL THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PERIOD AND A GOD DAMN QUESTION MARK!!!!!!! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT PEOPLE!!!!!! I mean, seriously, I can't tell you how many damn times I've seen something worded as a question ended with a period. Not only does it irritate and confuse me, it also pisses me the fuck off! I feel like I'm reading a Shakespeare with his fucking run on's and his confusing words! Save everyone the headache of trying to figure out what you wrote and punctuate you stories correctly! It really is not that hard! If you don't know what a symbol is just fucking google it and you'll have your God damn answer! Not only does it save people from rage quitting Wattpad, it also makes your story look better. It tells people you know what the fuck you're doing and it'll make them want to continue reading.

Proper punctuation

Molly went down to the mall to pick up he mom from work. When she got there, she saw her mother crying and holding a pink slip. Molly knew what this meant and went to comfort her mother while also looking at nearby 'Help Wanted' signs that scattered the different store windows.

Improper punctuation

Sandy went to church with Andy? The priest was preaching something that neither Sandy or Andy cared about! They just played on their phones the whole time. and tuned the priest entirely? 

Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

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