The Outline

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     Believe it or not, best selling novels are carefully thought out. I know, shocking right? I mean, who thought that the plot of the Hunger Games or Harry Potter took several months and/or years to plan out? I sure as fuck didn't! I thought it only took a few minutes for them to think everything out! Wow! Who knew that actual thought goes into best-selling stories?(Notice my sarcasm? If so, you get a free cookie!)

    OK, enough playing around and time for the serious shit. I can't tell you how many stories I come across on daily bases that are half-baked and not enough effort is put into it. I mean, reading half-baked stories is like reading a second grader's description on what the meaning of life is, (Not that I have any experience with that but you get my point) IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE AND THE PLOT IS ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE!!!! I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING!!!!! THE PLOT IS ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE AND THE CHARACTERS ARE SO FUCKING CLICHE AND PREDICTABLE!!!!! PLAN YOUR STORY OUT AHEAD OF TIME BEFORE YOU PUBLISH IT OUT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE YOU SHITHEADS!!!! IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO DO!!!!! OPEN UP A WORD DOCUMENT OR A GOOGLE DOC AND PLAN IT OUT THERE!!!!! AND ACTUALLY TAKE SOME FUCKING TIME TO PONDER HOW YOU WANT YOUR STORY TO GO!!!!! DON'T WRITE IT HALF BAKED!!!!!!!

How To Plan A Story Out (Yes you can use this one)

How To Plan A Story Out (Yes you can use this one)

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How To NOT Plan/Write A Story

Greg is a superhero from Minnesota. Find out what happens to him throughout the story! (I see half-baked shit like this all the fucking time)

Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

How To Not Fuck Up Writing a Story In My Personal OpinionWhere stories live. Discover now