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    This one is basically a fucking LAW of Literature and an expectation. But for some reason, people basically IGNORE this as they're writing their stories and frankly, it pisses me off! I'm not a grammar Nazi in anyway shape or form. I myself make a shit ton of spelling errors and usually, I don't give a second thought about it. Unless I'm writing a story THAN I take grammar into consideration. The way you spell things impact the quality of whatever you're writing about. If something is spelled incorrectly, it affects your entire story and people might click off of it. If your grammar is on point and everything makes sense, people will want to continue reading and it increases your story's quality and it makes it more appealing to larger audiences. To avoid spelling errors, use an online dictionary or simply have autocorrect on. Using an online dictionary is a lot easier to use and a lot less frustrating to use in my personal opinion. Another tip is to read over what you have written several times and look for spelling errors and to see it what you have down is actually intelligible and people can make out what your story says. Also, NEVER USE RUN ON SENTENCES!!!!! DON'T BE LIKE SHAKESPEAR!!!!! KNOW WHEN TO START A NEW SENTENCE!!!!! I can't tell you how many fucking times I've seen people use the word 'and' just so they can continue writing a sentence that is practically the size of a damn paragraph. I mean, really? Do you really not know when to stop a sentence? If you can't put what you want into one sentence using this ------------> ; <------------! Or start a new sentence entirely, continuing where you left off in your last sentence! There! problem solved! Is it really that hard to do?! Apparently, it is!

Proper Grammar

Lizzy looked across the room and saw Brad waving at her. She looked around, seeing if anyone was paying attention to her, and walked on over to him.

Improper grammar

Mark is waking doun the stret locking for his dog (I see shit like this all the damn time in stories)

Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

How To Not Fuck Up Writing a Story In My Personal OpinionWhere stories live. Discover now