I. Coco Puffs

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Extending Our Hearts


MY FINGERS drag across the underside of my car's trunk until I feel the softer rubber wedge where the handle is.

I put pressure on the button in the middle before hearing a soft click and see the trunk pop open, grazing my knee slightly.

For once I can say I don't regret reading the manual now that its instructions have come in handy.

I can't believe I locked my keys in the car, but then again my mind was wandering toward the stunning blonde in the building just a few feet from where I'm stood.

I think I can fit through the back seat opening and grab the keys from the passenger seat.

I'd locked the car before I'd exited since there's a five second delay on the lock and unlock for a cancel option. Out of habit I threw the keys on the seat and quickly exited not thinking much about it until I realised I hadn't grabbed my wallet either.

Smart, huh?

I know, I know. No need for praising.

I know I'm sir Einstein and all.

A sigh escapes my lips as I pull the hem of my shirt away from my body, sweat trickles down my neck as I do this and I feel my already heated face start to burn even more. I'm destined for death in this Arizona heat.

I'm going to enter the store resembling a tomato after the struggle I'm about to endure trying to grab my keys. I curse myself for setting the trunk unlock button for only unlocking the trunk and not the rest of the doors.

I let out a deep sigh once again before hurling myself between the seats, landing a mere inch away from my keys. Pushing against one of the seats with my foot I manage to get fully through and plop down on the back seat.

God, this car is an inferno right now.

I quickly reach forward grabbing the NYC keychain to grab ahold of the car key itself and unlock the doors. I step out from the backseat and welcome the warm breeze compared to the contrast of the stuffy hot car I'd just been in.

After closing the trunk that had just prevented me from having to call Talia for help, I open the driver door to grab my wallet before finally starting toward my initial destination.

I groan in delight as the cool air is blown into my face upon entrance and catch the eyes of a girl around the age of fifteen gaping at me as she stands frozen by the exit door.

Sending a small smile, I walk forward past the second set of sliding doors and enter the relatively empty supermarket.

My eyes scan for the blonde bombshell I'd let scan my items for the past four months and heave out a sigh in disappointment once I don't catch sight of her.

I might as well head on over to aisle six for the other reason I'm here.

To actually buy my sister's cereal.

I'd only offered to go for her for the reason that I hoped I'd catch a glimpse of one of Tippy's employees.

My feet drag across the ground as I make my way to where I'd last bought my own cereal. It doesn't take long for me to reach the aisle and for me to look back up at the contents sign hanging above.

Cereals & Syrup

I look behind me hoping I'm facing the wrong way before looking back at where the cereals are. Or are supposed to be.

In the place of the usual rainbow coloured shelf sits dull coloured diapers and other baby products.

My hand automatically flies to my face and my fingers start rubbing in circles by my ear, a nervous habit.

"Excuse me," a soft yet raspy voice breaks me out of my reverie.

I turn around and come face to face with a pair of large brown eyes looking directly into mine.

She offers me a smile before continuing, "You look a bit lost here, well, unless you have a baby of course but it's better to ask, right?"

My lips twitch up in a smile when she chuckles at the end of her sentence before looking at me seriously. "You're not lost then huh."

"I'm not," the words fly out my mouth.

Before I continue to explain that I actually am lost, she nods in understanding and starts to back away to leave.

I clear my throat before starting again, "I meant yes, sorry. I actually am lost."

I try and offer her an apologetic smile.

"Oh," a look of confusion replaces her neutral expression. "Oh- what are you looking for?"

"I am looking for," I glance at the diapers to my right. "Cereal."

It's hard not to notice her weirded out facial expression as I spew out the word cereal as I look at some package of Huggies but I send her a small smile again.

She's going to think I'm such a creep.

"Aisle eighteen," she says and points to an aisle on the other side. "I'll show you."

I follow her as her hands motion for me to and she looks at me over her shoulder just as my gaze lands back on her.

She's blushing.

I think she's blushing.

The sound of her clearing her throat brings me back into the real world and I pay attention to what she says. "We've been rearranging the aisles for a new aisle to come in and we haven't had the chance to change the signs yet, sorry about that."

I nod, "It's alright, I'm just here for Coco Puffs."

I notice the slight stop and hop in her tracks as I said it and realise that I couldn't possibly have said it more nonchalantly.

"Coco Puffs?" She giggles.

I huff, "Heck yeah, Coco Puffs."

A laugh escapes her as I say it again and I can't help but frown at her response. "What's wrong with eating Coco Puffs?"

She purses her lips before motioning toward a rainbow coloured aisle, the cereal aisle. "As an employee I have to say there's nothing wrong with them."

I nod at her as I walk to where the brown box of Talia's favourite cereal sits. "How about as a non-employee."

Out of the corner of my eye I see her pull her hands together and shake her head. "Can't say."

"Alright then," I smile and shake the box of cereal in the air, causing her to let out a small chuckle.

I pull out my wallet as we walk out the aisle and she continues to walk next to me, presumably to the register.

"Thank you for helping me find the Coco Puffs," I say seriously as I pull out a five dollar bill out of my wallet.

She can't seem to handle me seriously and lets out a snort. "You're welcome."

As we reach the registers, I look back at her expecting her to scan the items but she quickly points to another employee whom I somehow hadn't noticed.

"Well, I'm back to the inventory for now but enjoy your Coco Puffs!" She says with a rather enthusiastic voice and starts off in the other direction again after I nod at her.

I notice her hair swaying along with her body while my eyes stay focused on her retreating figure.

I hear the cashier telling me to move forward with the box and snap out of my thoughts, sending the older girl a smile.

"So," the cashier smiles back at me and flutters her lashes. "You single?"

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