Chapter 3

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Mare POV

After Cal and I finished blowing off steam we went to dinner. We were eating with the town governors to discuss behavior. People might be ok with mixing with different bloods , but that doesn't mean fights don't break out. Today was a prime example of that.

So far, the fights are going down and people are starting to live peacefully. At least, for now. Then, everything changes.


Mare is not having the dinner conversation. The only time she pays attention is when her brother, Shade, is reporting on the Stilts. Suddenly the door slams open, and our worst nightmare appears before us.

"Im back!" Elara says with an evil grin. Elara has had it out for Mare, so I push her behind me. For once, she doesn't argue. I think she is more afraid of Elara than Maven.

"Elara." I say through gritted teeth. She frowns at me, I don't think she's seen Mare yet.

"It's mother to you, as a kind I expected you to be more respectful." She said angrily. Then her eyes seem to pierce right through me.

"Move." She said and I found myself moving. Her power is the most dangerous. But the special thing about Mare, her powers don't work on her.  They only work on Silvers.

"Cal?" Mare says pulling at my arm. Suddenly there is a release of pressure on my head.

"That's impossible." Elara says dumbfounded. Then I look at the cut on Mare's hand, and the cut on my arm. Then I realized she is giving me a little red blood, she is a genius.

I push her behind me again now that she isn't in control. Elara looks pissed to be quite honest. I hold my hand out and make a fireball. Then her eyes float to my hand. Or more specifically, my ring.

"Cal you didn't" She said horrified.

"I did, you need to leave." I said making the fire bigger, and even adding a little bit of electricity into it. She will not get to Mare like Maven did. I will not allow it.

Suddenly she disappears, as in no longer here. Mare falls behind me shaking in fear. A little while ago Elara did some bad stuff to Mare, and I think she is still afraid. I would be.

"It's over, I promise." I say to her and she nods.

"Cal?" she says and I look at her. "We need to get married before she comes back." Mare says and I nod my head.

"Yes we do. I love you." I say and she smiles.

"I love you as well." I carry her up to our room and fall asleep.

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