CHAPTER F O U R T E E N : Revenge Time

Start from the beginning

That Voice..

"Who are you?"

I saw a reflection of my past self.

I'm dreaming aren't I?

I was wearing a red kimono.
My hair was short.

And.. I was crying?

"I'm your missing piece."

"I'm the piece that you lost."

"Belious is not your brother."

"Kai is.."


I want a clear answer!

"YOU'RE ME! Nya Smith!!"

IM YOU!! If YOU GET INTO THAT CHAMBER AGAIN.. You'll lose all your Memories! All of it! You'll only remember..

Reolo and Pythor..

No.. I am Diana Belious.

You are Not.

Please.. Listen to me.. Before its too late.

For the Love of my Jay.

"Dare to Look down on me?"

Infront of me.. She fell onto her knees and her skin cracked. My eyes completely widened.

No Diana.. You are merciless.

She puts her hands together. And looked at me.

She said something..

After that she scattered to pieces. And she was gone.

I give Up..

She whispered.
Her voice slowly fading.. The last thing I hear. That made me shed a tear. Was..

I love you.. Jay Walker..

Third POV
She opens her eyes. Waking up in a bedroom. Rising up from the sheets and wearing all black.

"Goodmorning Mistress."
Lukhael greeted her. She clutched her head.

"How are you doing?" He asked closing his book and stood up.

"Are you ready for the Revenge plan?"

He asked. His expressionless look and cold stare. His plain red eyes filled with nothingness.

She wondered.. Why this fellow is just so emotionless.

"I am ready to see my brother." She stated. The shadow nodded and disappeared like a bubble. She changed her clothes.. To civilian ones.

A plain red shirt and black jeans. Casual.. But it was not what always she wore.

Black dress and black everything. Even accessories.

But now.. She has to deal with this.. Because of his brother's plan. She will have to do situations that has never been into before.

Make one of the Ninja fall for her and get his other lover to be Jealous.

Break the A Ninja's Flame..

Break the Ninja's reputation in the public.

And most of all.. A stranger that she once known to be her Lover. But now.. Just a stranger with memories that she cannot remember.

Whom will pay for everything..

Making his brother Like this.

"Diana.." Belious turned his head..

Next to him was Pythor. She was emotionless.

"We want you to go out that Forest.." He pointed afar in the swamp.

"And act like you're going to be killed."

"I will do the resssstt.." The snake hissed and disappeared.

To be continued..

A/n:Oh Wow.. I'm just speechless in this Chapter. Well.. I guess see you in the Next Update? That means another one week. 😭

Anyways Have an Awesome Day!

N I N J A G O !

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