Chapter 15: Chatta, the storyteller

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Disclaimer : I don't own Winx Club

Nobody's p.o.v

What the girl's cousin finds about her is that the girl always goes somewhere at 2 and returns at 4 in the afternoon . One fine morning, when the musician comes the girl is singing in French. He gets captivated by her voice. So he starts complimenting the girl just at that moment her cousin comes. She (the girl's cousin) knows that the girl doesn't know music that too in French.

After a few days the girl says to her cousin ,"I wanted to ask you something since I have arrived but I keep forgetting . I saw a sentence but didn't know its meaning . So please tell me the meaning of 'Attention à ce que le tueur / meurtrier soit en liberté'."

On hearing the sentence the cousin face becomes pale . She asks the girl"Where have you seen it?". The girl replies "When I first arrived to your house I saw it on the way.The cousin says,"I think you saw it on the entrance of a forest not far from here .If that was where saw it I need to warn you never ever think of entering there .I know that you love nature but please avoid that please it is not safe."with a shaky voice . On the girl's request, the cousin narrates the story,

"Around 15 years ago, in that forest lived a scientist .He adopted an orphan boy . The boy's father was a psychopath who killed himself after killing his wife . The scientist was loved by everyone in the neighborhood , so they warned that the boy may be just like his father . But the scientist paid no attention to their warnings .As the days passed the  people found the scientist dead .So they started blaming the boy .The people fenced the opening of the forest with a warning for no one to enter . That might the board you saw . The warning translates as'Beware killer/murderer on loose'. People say that the boy is also a psychopath and an ungrateful person to kill that scientist ."

Hearing all this the girl is pretty shocked and confused about what to do . At 2pm on any other day  she would have gotten out of the house but that day she has no idea what to do . Finally at half past 2 she gets put off the  house thinking about what her cousin said . She enters the forest as usual but doesn't find the boy in the cottage. When she was about in search of him, she finds him just about to enter the cottage .

He is shocked to find her there. From the first time he  met he always thought that it is only matter of time before she stops visiting him . She would soon find the story and just like everyone else she too would abandon him.
But he thought that at least till then he would have a friend to give him company in that deserted forest where the  forever lonely. So that day when she didn't come at her usual time  he thought that his good time of having company has come to an end . Thinking so he went into the forest as he was bored .

Even after going to the forest , he was thinking about the good times they spent and was feeling bad that it has all now come to an end . But he is surprised to see her in the cottage. He says,"I take it that you know my story as you are late. And I want to thank you for spending time with me during the past few days. I appreciate you coming here even now I feel that you trust me."

The girl replies,"At first I too believed what others said and was terrified to come here. But then I  thought about the times I  spent with you . If you really are a psychopath/murderer as others claim then you could have killed me on our first encounter itself. You had nothing to gain by helping me. Yet you did it. You taught me music. You trust me. I too trust you."

On hearing all this the boy becomes very happy takes her to his favourite place and says,"The one who killed the scientist was my own biological father. The scientist always considered me as his own son. He taught me everything."They spend a lot of time talking , it is time for the girl to leave the forest . The boy walks her the entrance of the forest. As she is crossing the road, she doesn't notice a huge truck coming her way at a high speed . On seeing this, the boy tries move her out of the way but alas they are both hot by the truck. The boy says,"If God really exists as people claim , then we shall meet again." With that they take their last breath.

Again they meet in the heaven . Though both are atheists there is one thing both are thinking


Saying that Chatta ended the story. Everyone loved the story. Later they were even joking around about making it to a movie. Bloom knowing that Chatta  never one to be engaged in devotional stuff curiously asked Chatta," I thought you didn't believe in the existence of God?" . To this Chatta replied,"I am not much of a devotional person like you but that doesn't mean I don't believe in God.Moreover if we were to​ make it a movie ,I don't want theists to be hurt by my story. I believe God is one. "

As the days passed Bloom and Chatta became very close. They itself to study together and help each other . After studying either of them would tell a story to the other. Bloom even started  sitting in the last bench along with Chatta and they were always lost in their world.

One fine day Chatta called Bloom after college. They spoke for over one and half hour. After that they messaged . But one of those messages surprised Bloom. Or in Bloom's words 'It is one of the biggest shocks in my life'

So, what do you guys think?
What might the message be about?
What is one of the biggest shocks in Bloom's life?

Author's note: Guys, sorry for the  late updates .I promise you another update by the end of this month.

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