Harry looked as if he were trying to recall any sort of memory. As his face changed, I could tell that he was remembering.

"I-I was drunk, and I tried to drive, and I crashed. Sara, I'm so sorry. For everything," Harry said.

"Hey, babe, it's fine. None of that matters because you're okay," I replied. "You're here, with me."

Harry smiled a little.

When the doctor came in, I stepped out to call Anne. She answered on the first ring.

"Sara? Is everything okay?" Anne asked.

"He's awake," I said through tears of joy.

"We're leaving the hotel now," she said.

After we hung up, I waited outside of Harry's room. I texted my mom and Madison, letting them know that Harry was awake.

"Are you Sara?" the doctor asked me, shutting the door to Harry's room.

"Yes, I am. How's Harry?" I replied.

"Mrs. Styles, your husband is going to be fine. We're going to keep him overnight just to monitor him, but he'll be discharged in the morning."

"That's amazing. He's got a promotional tour in a few weeks. Will he be good to travel?"

"How long is he going to be traveling for?" the doctor asked.

"About three months," I answered.

"I wouldn't say he'd be in any immediate danger if he did. I usually tell patients to wait a month or two before traveling anywhere."

I nodded. I thanked the doctor and went into Harry's room. He was sitting up in his bed, watching the news.

"Hi, Harry," I said.

"Hey baby," he replied.

"So, I asked the doctor if he thought you'd be well enough to go on tour," I started.

Harry perked up with interest. "What did he say?"

"Well, he said he wouldn't advise it. But it wouldn't be dangerous if you did."

"Do you want me to go?" he asked.

I looked at him, a bit shocked. "Babe, you already know the answer to that," I said.

"But do you want me to go?" Harry repeated.

I sighed, "I want you to stay home. But, I know that this is your job. I want you to ultimately do what you think is best for you and for our family."

Harry nodded, letting it sink in.

"We don't have to talk about this now," I said. "The doctor called me 'Mrs. Styles' and referred to you as my 'husband.'"

Harry's eyebrows raised as he asked, "Did you like being called Mrs. Styles?"

I smiled a bit as I answered, "Yeah, it felt...right."

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