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Emilia's P.O.V

It's night.

I threw my phone so they wouldn't track me down.

I don't think I'm in the sane town as I live in anymore.

I don't know where I am.

Who I am.

But I have to keep going.

I already took a five minute break in hiding when I started to hear police sirens, controlling my ragged breathing.

Each breath slices my chest, moving my ribs.

A tear slides down my face as I walk aimlessly, moving down the bridge if my nose and down my right cheek, starting to sob.

Why am I doing this to myself?

To my family?

I can't stay with them.

I can't get too attached.

It doesn't matter if they adopted me.

They'll toss me out of their lives just like my father did.
I killed my mom.

I'm the reason she killed herself. I don't deserve to be happy.

"Emilia Juliana?" A voice says, causing my heart to stop dead in my chest.

I turn around to face Austin, his smile fading when he sees my tear stained face.

"You need to leave." I whisper, my vocal cords feeling like they're being ripped out. "They'll find me."

"What?" He says, noticing the bag in my hand that I grabbed from the kitchen desk incase of emergency, although I have no idea what's in it. "Are you running away?"

I place a finger to my lips harshly, silencing him.

"No. I'm just," I hesitate, covering it up with a cough and pray he doesn't notice. "I'm visiting someone. My uncle."

He looks at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "What have you gotten me into, EJ?" He says, smiling.

My heart flutters at the nickname.

"If they ask you...don't tell them okay? Please?"

"That you're running away?" He sighs. "You're running away aren't you." 

I sigh, hoping that's enough of an answer for him.

"Please don't tell, Austin." I plead, begging him with my eyes.

"At least tell me where you are going." He says, grabbing my chin.

"48th street gymnastics center. The owner practically raised me for half of my life. He's always their. He'll take care of me." I say, starting to back away as I hug him goodbye.

He sighs, resting  his eyes on mine. "Goodbye Emmie."

"Goodbye Austin."

I slip into the dark again, trying not to breath as my ribs shift when I sprint.

Mariana's P.O.V

Its already 1 A.M

Mom's are freaking out in their room, calling everyone they know to spread the news in search for their youngest daughter.

Callie and Jude are pissed, and Stef and Lena are watching Callie to make sure she doesn't sneak iff to go find Emmie herself, knowing her.


I'm mad.


"Are you serious Jesus?" I yell, spazzing out on him. "You really had to tell them?"

"Yes, Mariana! Yes, I needed to tell them! She's is going to die. Die. If she doesn't eat more than bananas and untouched fruits. How was I supposed to know she was going to react this way?!"

"No, but seriously Jesus. Why would you tell them."

"Because, Mariana. She is our sister. I'm not going to let her unintentionally kill herself without her even realizing! Wouldn't you!"

Before I can answer, Callie come in the room, holding her phone.

"Do any if you know Austin Greezly?" She asks, glancing down at her phone.

"Yeah, He's on the wrestling team." Jesus retorts.

"He just called. About Emilia. He said he saw her downtown. The bad downtown."

"Wait, where is she going?" I ask, my heart rate picking up.

"He said something about her staying at 48th gymnastics center?" She pauses, her breath hitching slightly. "He said that she looked bad. He saw her doubling over on the sidewalk, rubbing her chest."

"She has pneumonia." I remember, mentally face palming myself. "And she didn't take her medicine today 'cause she was at school."

"So her lungs could possibly be filling up with liquid right now." Callie panics.

"Alright, we need to get her now!" Jesus says, his hands shaking.

She's in deep.




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