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Mike's P.O.V

I searched the whole house for her, and cant and even find her.

Seriously Mike.

Im a cop.

I look at the kitchen table, watching Mariana and Jude eat at the table, munching on some bread and chicken noodle soup, and just broth for Mariana.

I feel a sharp pang of recognition in my stomach.

"Hey, guys," I start, nervously looking around. "Do you know where Emmie is?"

"She's not here?" Jude asks worriedly, sucking on a piece of bread. "Maybe she's outside."

I look around the room, starting to panic when I see her bottle of pills shut closed.

Not even the slightest sign of it being open yet.

She was supposed to take it hours ago.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath grabbing my phone from the counter.

I dile the numbers quickly, my hands twitching with panic.

"Hello?" Stef answers, her voice confused to why I am calling.

"She's gone. Emilia." I say, searching the rooks once again, hissing when I see her phone not on her desk were it usually is.

"Mike!" She says angrily, although I can hear anxiety seeping through her words. "You lost my kid?"

"Well," I start, clutching the phone. "when she woke up this morning she looked like death, so I told her to go back to bed, ans I haven't seen her since. I thought she was just sleeping-and I checked everywhere for her. She's missing."

"Hold on," Stef says, taking a deep breath. She waits to answer for a few moments, eventually cursing under her breath. "School." She sighs, letting out the air she's been holding in. "Why-Why the hell would she be in school?" Stef yells into the phone, mostly to herself.

Emilia's P.O.V

Look, I know im sick, but, seriously, I can't miss another day-or week, of school.

I stare at my phone, hissing under my breath when I remember I forgot to turn off my phone.

I start walking to my table, carrying a bottle of water.
I bump into someone, falling straight on my ass, almost knocking the wind out of me.

"Sorry!" A voice says-deeply.

My gaze shifts up into his-and for once, im glad I put some makeup on, especially to cover the deep purple circles under my eyes.

His eyes are a deep blue, the one you would have to look at closely to make sure they're not black, with a ring of turquoise near his pupil. "I'm Austin." He says, smiling.

I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Emmie" I say, smiling as I take his hand to stand up.

"What's your real name?" He says, still smiling.

"Emilia?" I say, taken back by his question, laughing a little bit.

"No. Your full name."

"Emilia Juliana Adams-Foster." I laugh, silently groaning in pain as my lungs feel as if they are being squeezed shut.

"Vice-Principals daughter, huh?" He adds, smirking. "I better watch out."

I smile at him and he smiles back fir what seems like eternity, fighting the urge to cough and spit my lungs up.

When a evil voice interrupts us.

"EMILIA ADAMS-FOSTER." Lena yells, strutting towards us.

"Shit." I whisper, my cheeks flushing red.

I slip a piece of paper with my number on it before I'm dragged away, watching his mesmerizing smile play out across his face when he reads it.

"I'll call you!" He screams at me, laughing.

Reality slaps me in the face when we get inside the building, Lena's face angrily facing mine.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She screams at me. "Youry sick. Why would you come here, Emilia? Why?"

"I cant miss more school, people start to ask questions. I've already missed two weeks, and now this." I whine, barely getting out my words since my voice is mostly gone

"Well, you're sick. So your staying home, got it? You
need to rest."

"You need to rest." I mock, whispering it loud enough so Lena can hear.

I hear her sigh, but to be honest, I am kinda glad to be going home.

At least I can text, right? Especially Austin....

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