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****10 minutes after surgery****

Every intake of breath feels like I'm landing on jagged rocks, there sharp edges puncturing my lungs.

The aching in my ribs follow me with every movement.
They'll let me out tomorrow.

They promised me...After my begging. The truth is, I've been through worse, and the pain I'm in right now cant compare to what happened last year...

I look down at my side, seeing bandages lace up my stomach, drips of blood seeping through.

He beat me so badly, I wouldn't be surprised if he broke every bone in my body.

He would've killed me if he hadn't heard a car coming.
I wish he did.

My hand traces the bandages covering the wound.

I shift uncomfortably, my bony tail bone objecting to the amount of pressure I'm putting on it.

I sit up slowly-but to quickly.

My head rushes, and for a split second, everything is an agonizing white.

Something under my hand is wet and sticky.

I look down at my side, blood flows through the bandages.

The monitors go off.

Lena's P.O.V

After we coaxed Callie into the waiting room, we've been silent ever since

"You want us to foster her?" I ask, breaking the silence that everyone was afraid of. "Do we even know if she's a good kid? How do we know if she had a part of cause what her father did to her."

Callie's face goes blank, and I feel every eye in the room glare at me with disbelief. Stef nudges me with her elbow.

"You think it's her fault?" She says, fuming.

"Well Callie, no I didn't say-"

"But that's what you think, isn't it. You think that she's the reason her dad tried to kill her. Since she was five."

"Callie, enough! I get it, you're worried, but do not taking out on any of us, including mama and me." Stef yells.

Callie rolls her eyes and gets up from her chair. "I'm taking a walk."

Before we can say anything, she's out of the room.

"Mariana can you talk to her please. Or Brandon." Stef sighs.

"What about me?" Jesus asks, holding his hand up like we just offended him.

"You really think that Callie's gonna listen to you?" I ask.

"I'll go." Mariana says, grabbing her bag.

"Text us if anything happens, okay?" Brandon says.

"Yeah. Bye." She leaves the room, and I groan.

Callie's P.O.V

I need to get out of here.

I walk around the building aimlessly, trying to clear my head.

"Callie," a voice says from a distance. Mariana. "Callie,"

I walk ahead, not turning back to face her.

Knowing Mariana, she'll probably guilt me into coming back.

I hear her footsteps coming closer, and before I know it, she's at my side, trying to keep up with my pace.

She stops me.

"Callie," she wines, her voice suddenly dropping low. "You're not running away again, right?"

"No." I say, trying to keep the worry out of my voice.

"Then can you come back? Moms are worried about you. And Brandon's about to come looking for you himself, if mom doesn't get there first."

"Im just taking a walk, Mariana." I scowl, letting the annoyance in my voice slip.

"It sure doesn't seem like it," She says under her breath.

I stop and turn to face her worried expression. "Why are you here? What, did moms send you to get me?"

She looks hurt, and keeps her distance as I keep mine.

"Well, yeah, kind of." She study's my face. "What's wrong with you? You're acting really weird."

"Nothing. Sorry, I just need my space right now."

I hear her groan. "Callie, just come back. You can see probably see her tomorrow."

I stop, taking a deep breath and try to calm the irritation in my voice. "Mariana. I'm fine. I'm just taking a walk. Go back."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine. But don't blame me when moms yell at you."  She scowls, walking back to where we were sitting.

I walk for a few more minutes and find a chair in a corner to sit at.

God, I'm gonna be in a hella mount of trouble when I get back, or when they find me at least.

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