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Emilia's P.O.V

You put the gun to my head and lock the door, your grip around my throat quickly tightening.

You curse to yourself when you hear people banging at the door.



"You don't deserve to live." He whispers in my ear, almost growling as a tsunami of tears rush down my face.

They come through the door fast, but your bullet comes faster.

"I love you." I scream at them-loud enough that they can hear-as they rush towards me.

The pounding sound of the gun being shot rings in my ear, tuning out my screams as blood pools from my side.

And for a split second, I know.

I know.

Your aim at my head hits its target.

The light goes out like a flashbulb flickering, turning black for a split second and turning into blinding whiteness.

Peace overwhelms me as I rush towards the end of the tunnel.
I can hear there cries, but nothing pains me.

They know I love them, and I know they love me.

The smile on my face grows wide.

"Welcome home."

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