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Jesus's P.O.V

Screams of panic fill the lake, voices laced and full of concern and despair.

I dive through the water, water gushing into my eyes, burning them.

I don't care.

We should have told her not to go in the deep end.

We haven't even been here before.

I see a faint shadow, something wrapped around their ankle.

I pump my legs harder, grabbing the fishnet tied around her, ripping it loose from her body.

I wrap a hand around her waist and kick my way to the surface, gasping for air like a fish out of water when the cool air reaches my lips.

I toss her onto the deck, tossing her as if the water was poison.

Hey eyes start to flutter open, her chest rising.

Water spews from her mouth, bubbling.

She gags, coughing up all the water from her lungs as we turn her on her side.

Jude rubs her back in circles while she recovers, absorbing the air back into her lungs.

"Em, do you even know how to swim?" Mariana asks.

"Mhm" She mumbles, still trying to fill her lungs with air.

"When was the last time you've been swimming?" I asks, all of us starting to back away from her as she props herself up on her elbows.


"Years?" We spout in unison.

She looks at our concerned faces.

She bursts out laughing, her giggles coming out in hysterical fits.

A smile suppresses on our lips.

Every single one of ours.

Its good to see her laugh, even for her to smile.

These past couple weeks have been dreary, but its good to see her finally getting better.

I think we all know what the next step is.

Even if she doesn't.

"I think she's in shock." Jude says, laughing light heartedly.

We spend the rest of the trip teaching her how to swim, annoying her at times.

"Jesus," She wines, rolling her eyes as she swims. "Stop hovering over me." She looks at all of our gazes locked on her. "Stop! Oh my god you guys. Stop being so overprotective. I know how to swim."

"Last time you drowned. I think we should hover." Callie says, swimming to Emilia.

"Well, at least I'm not dead." She says, plopping back underwater.

"Not by the time I get to you, missy." Stef says, playfully lunging at her.

She squeals, laughing as Lena and Stef go around attacking people with their hands.

I sigh, my thoughts tracing back to her journal.

If only they knew....

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