Chapter 12 - final

Start from the beginning

Tony's POV

This is all my fault. Vic and Mike had good lives. They were good people. Then I came along. My father has Vic and I'm sat here doing fuck all. I get up from the sofa and grab my jacket. I need to find him. He wouldn't be in this mess if not for me.
"Babe where are you going?" I turn to face Mike.
"Just to the store" I lie. There's no way he'd let me go for Vic. He isn't buying it.
"Cool I'll come with you. We're low on milk."
"No!" I shout. I'm a terrible lier.
"Baby you have to stay here. Jaime's gonna get him and if anything happens he'll call us" he tries, to hug me but I push him away.
"NO! YOU DONT GET IT DO YOU? THIS IS MY FAULT! YOU WERE ALL FINE UNTIL I CAME ALONG! YOU WERE HAPPY! BUT IN I WALK AND VIC GETS FUCKING KIDNAPPED! I WANNA GET HIM BACK AND I DINT CARE IF IT KILLS ME! I WANNA DIE! I wanna die! Let me die...." I whisper and drop to my knees. Two arms wrap around me and cradle me. I feel myself being lifted up the stairs and dropped gently onto a bed. I curl up into Mike's chests as he lies next to me.
"Before you came along" he whispered "Vic was my only friend. Which sucked because he wasn't in my grade. All I thought about every day was my weight. I hated how I looked. I hated seeing the scars on Vic's arms. He thinks I don't know but I do" I hear him begin to cry now as he runs his fingers through my hair, kissing my head lightly. I hug him closer and bury my face into his chest. How could this beauty of a human ever be self conscious?
"B-but, you're beautiful" I sniffle, looking up at him. His eyes light up and a blush creeps onto his adorable cheeks.
"That's what you did when you came along" he whispers "you made me feel like I was worth something. You brought me to life Tony Perry. Vic saw that. He saw the new light in my eyes. And Jaime's gonna get him back and we're all gonna be in a band and take over the world and live on the Death Star and have endless tickle wars" I begin to giggle as his fingers find their way to my ribs and he tickles me.
"MIKE!" I shriek "Michael!!" He continues to tickle me "Michael Christopher Fuentes!!" He stops and presses a slow, soft, passionate kiss to my lips.
"I only do it to see that beautiful smile of yours" he says, innocently. I break into a grin.
"There it is" he bites his lip, making him look 100x as sexy. He begins to lean in for another kiss when I stop him. I sniff the air.
"Mike cam you smell..."
"Burning" he finishes my sentence for me. We both look at each other and jump out of bed. We run to the door just in time to hear it lock and a deep, familiar laugh comes from outside. Reece Murphy. Mike tries to break the door down.
"MURPHY" he bellows.
"Mike!!" I scream. The flames are licking the sides of the door. Mike jumps back and grabs my hand, leading me into the en suit bathroom. The force of the flames causes his bedroom door to fly open. Mike slams the door of the bathroom close and I begin to roll up towels and put them in the cracks in the door. Mike begins to pry the window open and I grab a spanner from under the sink. I begin to smash the tap until it breaks, water spraying everywhere. The flames have burned though the towels and it I know that door won't hold up for much longer.
"Tony you first!" Mike shouts.
"No you go!!" I shout. I can't just leave him!!
"I'm not going until you do so jump!" I have no choice so I clamber out the indie and jump. I land on my leg funny and shriek in pain. Well that's broken. I look up at Mike who is on the window ledge. I see the flames creeping up behind him.
"MIKE!" I scream and they begin to tickle his sides. He cries out in pain and jumps....

Jaime's POV

I get in my car and speed down the road. He loves me. Vic loves me. And I love him. God do I love him. I turn into my road, the same road that Tony's old house is on. I park my car at the end of the road and get out. I sprint to Tony's house and crouch down behind a bush. I remember an old outhouse in his backyard which led to the basement. I used to have to rescue Tony sometimes when his dad locked him in there. I creep into the old outhouse and on one of the shelves there's a key which I use to unlock a small trap door in the floor. I open the door and look in. Tony's dad is there he's putting on his clothes. Why was he naked? Where's Vic? I angle myself so that I can see him. There he is. Vic. My Vic. My beautiful Vic. Broken. Laying naked on the floor. I joined the dots in my head and realised what this sicko had done. He'd raped him. He'd raped my Vic. Anger burned inside my and I wanted nothing more than to claw that sorry excuse of a man's eyes out. But I waited. I waited until he was up the stairs and through the door before lowering myself into the basement. I ran over to Vic and dropped down beside me.
"NO!" He screamed "please no more please! It hurts. It hurts. Just kill me please just kill me" he broke down into sobs and a mixture of anger and sadness welled up inside me.
"Vic" I whispered softly, pulling him into my lap "Vic my darling it's me. It's Jaime. I'm not going to hurt you baby. I've come to save you"
"Jaime?" He clings to my shirt and breaks into another fit of sobs "oh god oh god oh god. You weren't supposed to see my like this. This isn't what was supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to hate me"
"Vic! Vic my darling I don't hate you" I push some hair out of his face and kiss his temple.
"B-but he said you would. He said I was like a used toy, no-one would ever want me. I was like a dirty, disgusting towel. That's what he said"
"Don't you dare listen to him. I want you. I want you safe in my arms and I never wanna let go. You're so beautiful. God you're beautiful" I press our foreheads together and lean down...
"I'm going to the liquor store!! As soon as I get back we'll have round three!" Comes a voice from upstairs.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Vic whimpers and buries his face into my chest in fear. I tighten my grip on him and pull him closer to me if that's possible. I hear the front door open and then shut. The liquor store is just down the street so he'll be back in 10 minutes.
"Come on we need to get out of here" I tell Vic. I grab his boxers and trousers and put them on for him. His shirt and jacket are torn so I pull off my jumper and jacket and cover his scarred body.
"It hurts to walk" he says, tears welling in his eyes in a mix of embarrassment and pain
"Oh baby" I coo and pick him up bridal style. He wraps his arms around my neck and buries his face into me. I carry him up the stairs and into the house. I know my way around pretty well and it's quite a small house so I get us out the door quite quickly. I place Vic in the passenger side and then I climb in. I put the car into gear and head to the hospital. Vic places his hand on mine. We come to a red light and I look at his face. He looks scared, as if he's done something wrong.
"I'm sorry I-" he begins to take his hand away
"No it's ok" I turn my hand around and interlace our fingers before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. He blushes furiously. "You're too cute" I tell him before hitting the gas and continuing our drive. He cautiously rests his head on my shoulder and I squeeze his hand reassuringly.
We make it to the hospital and I carry him in bridal style. Two nurses come to our aid and I tell them everything. They say they'll call the police and they need to take Vic in for some tests. The bring out a wheely bed and take him away from me.
"Jaime!" He shouts. I rush to he side and grab his hand.
"I'm right here baby I'm not going anywhere. The doctors are just gonna do some tests. I'll be right here" this seems to calm him down a lot. I kiss his forehead and then they take him away. He looks at me and I mouth the words "I love you". His face breaks into a grin and a tear rolls down his cheek. I blow him a kiss and he pretends to catch it. Then he disappears from sight. I pull out my phone and hit speed dial.
"Wazzup this is Mike please leave a message" what the fuck?
"Mike it's Jaime. I got Vic. You need to pick up" I try ringing again and again with no luck. I try Tony but with the same results.
"Excuse me" I turn around to the lady at the desk who has spoken. "Is that Michael Fuentes you were calling? Your boyfriend's brother?" I smile a little at the word boyfriend. I like that. Vic is my boyfriend, I am his boyfriend. It has a nice ring to it. But my smile soon faded. How does she know Mike-
"He and his friend Caesar were brought in here about half an hour ago. Caesar with a broken leg and Michael with third degree burns. They're in room 301 if-" I run down the hall and got to the elevator. I push the button again and again but it's taking too long so I bound up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
I reach room 301 and burst through the door. There are two beds in the room, one holding Mike, the other holding Tony. Tony's awake and sitting up. He looks quite shaken up.
"Jaime!!" He yells. I waste no time in running up to my best friend and wrapping my arms around him.
"Shit Tone what happened?" I ask. He tells me about how the douche from school, Reece Murphy, set his house on fire. He tells me how Mike was burned as he tried to get Tony out of the house. Mike begins to stir and I run over to him.
"Tony? Tony where are you? Where is he?! TAKE ME TO TONY! TONY!"
"Mike! MIKE! He's right here. Loo Tony's right next to you he's right here" I coo.
"I gotta see him" says Mike. He tried to sit up but winces from the pain. I push him back down.
"Hey hey, take it easy. Tony's safe. He's fine. You saved him" this seems to calm him down and he turns to look at Tony.
"Oh baby" he breathes in relief before stretching his arm out towards Tony. Tony tries to reach for Mikes hand but he can't. I go round to the other side of Mike's bed and push it towards Tony's so that they're side by side. The both laugh and Tony reaches over and presses a soft kiss on his boyfriends lips. They intertwine their hands and Mike turns to me.
"Did you get him? Vic?" He asks
"Yeah I got him" they both break into grins "I should probably go and check on him now. I'll leave you two love birds alone"
"Go get him" Tony winks at me and I blush before exiting the room. I bound back down the stairs to the room they took Vic into. And sure enough, there he is. There is a nurse outside his door who says he will need to stay the night and have a few weeks therapy for the trauma he's had to go through. I thank her and enter the room.
"Oh Vic! Oh baby! Oh darling!" I run up to him and wrap my arms around him "there's something I never got to do"

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