" okay get away from her,  it's clear she doesn't like both of you guys " I said taking a seat next to Brandon.

" she likes me,  everyone loves their uncle no matter how uncivilized they could be sometimes " Brandon spoke " You wish " Yolanda waved at him as she took a sip from her glass.. Wait what?

" You drinking the moët aren't you? " I asked she shrugged giving me a look , I rolled my eyes.

" I Told you that belongs to Trey and that's the last bottle -" she cut me off

" And I'm your sister,  Trey should know that.  " she said taking another sip from the glass.  I shook my head,  they haven't much changed I see.

" So I was on the phone with dad this morning " I said rocking Riley back and forth as she played with my hair. 

" I told him to call you " Brandon blurted

" you did? " Yolanda and I asked at the same time.

" well I can't stand the fact that y'all don't talk and shit so I talked to the old man and he agreed on calling you to apologize and sorting shit out witch'u " he said,  I should've known my dad would never call me and be so nice all of a sudden but I'm glad that it was Brandon that kicked some sense into him.

" He told you his birthday was coming up and that he wants all of us there including this princess right here " he said pinching Riley's cheeks.

" Yeah he did , we had one of our longs talks this morning and I was happy that he finally talks to me " I said thinking about all these years I spent without talking to my dad,  I felt like there was something missing in my life.  It also felt like I didn't have a family at all, crying some nights and I wake Trey up because it was hard feeling neglected. Trust me that's the worst feeling in the world,  feeling neglected by all the people you had faith In and you love by all the people you trusted . It makes you feel bad about yourself,  question your existence and hate people for no reason but thanks to Trey , I swear that man made me a better person He was always there when I felt weak,  when I needed somebody to cry on and vent to.  He kept me strong at my weakest,  that's the reason I can proudly say he's the family I chose for myself that stuck by me through everything that was happening in my life or happened always showed me the bigger picture in life and that's why I'll never turn my back on him,  no matter what we go through I'll always keep him strong when he seems to be weak, because no matter what I went through he always found a way to make me feel better and heal quickly. 

" So I'm looking for a nice place to stay at meanwhile I'm here" Yolanda asked taking a sip from her wine glass leaving a lipstick stain.

" Nice place,  what's your budget for the place? " I asked

" well I don't have a job yet but I have an interview on Monday with the Daze Magazine so I'm guessing it will go well and my bank account has a few thousand dollars. Your place looks good though I want something like this " she said looking around.

" Will you afford a condo like this? It's too much expense Landa"

" if your lil job can afford this then what makes you think i won't? " I'll take it as the alcohol talking for her, my sister has a big mouth when she gets a lil tipsy.

" Trey hasn't found a job yet? " Brandon shot the question,  I gave him a stern look and turned my attention to Riley who was now starting to cry.

" she's hungry,  I'll be back . Brandon get your ugly feet off my damn table" I said smacking his legs off my glass table,  this boy still had no manners.

I made it to the kitchen as I put Riley on the counter and placed her stuffed animal in front of her so she wouldn't move but sit in one place and play with it as if wondering what it is.

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