Chapter 3

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Imaanie .

" I'm coming! " I shouted racing down the stairs to attend to the person at the door who was ringing my doorbell like a fool.

I opened the door right on time when Brandon was about to ring it again.

My sister and brother smiled big when they saw me "Goodness,  y'all made it " I opened the door wide open as I pulled Yolanda into a warm hug, her hair was in long box braids,  she had on a full length leather jacket and a black short jumpsuit underneath the jacket. 

I pulled out of the hug as I turned my attention to Brandon " Blonde hair now " I dug my fingers in his short blonded hair. He looked different or maybe it's the growth,  he has facial hair now.  I pulled him into a hug as well.

" Come in,  I fucking missed yall" I opened the door wider as they both walked in.

"where's Riley? " Yolanda asked as she followed behind me into the living room.

" She's sleeping , Trey put her to sleep earlier " I said sitting down.

" Where the hell is he anyway? " Brandon asked as he walked around the living room looking at the framed pictures of me and Trey and the one we took with Riley as well.

" Well he's out on a meeting but for now,  would you guys like some juice,  wine,  soda? " I asked

Yolanda took off her jacket and placed it on the empty couch " Now we finna get drunk " she rubbed her hands like Birdman which caused me to laugh as I got up.

" I don't drink alcohol anymore " Yolanda gave me a look

"since when? " she asked the look on her face said she didn't believe a word I said.

" No like for real,  I'm a mother now remember " I raised my eyebrow

She sucked her teeth "girl shut up with all that,  not even wine? " she asked I shook my head no

"did Trey tell you to stop drinking? " she asked

" Yolanda really now? " I gave her a look she shrugged "what? Oooouu is that a bottle of Moët girl? " she asked as she walked towards Trey's mini bar.

" How you gon' have a bar full of alcohol in your house yet you don't drink? " she asked

" well everything you see in there belongs to Trey and nobody touches his wine Landa " I tried to stop my sister from taking the bottle of Moët .

" loosen up Imaanie, he's your husband he'll understand "

" But that's the last bottle of Moët left though , the rest is just some Brandy and all these whiskey's" I said

" Yo Imaa,  I think I hear a baby crying " Brandon stuck his head to where me and Yolanda stood,  oh shit " that's Riley,  I'll be back " I said running out the living room to upstairs where Riley was sleeping in her crib in Trey and I's room.  Her room was too big for her so me and Trey decided to take her crib into our room. 

" mommy's girl " I picked her up as her cries stopped  when I embraced her,  I took her pacifier and put it back into her mouth as she sucked on it while we made our way back downstairs.

Brandon and Yolanda were sitting on the couch " This is a nice condo " I heard Brandon say as I walked to were they were sitting. 

" shit,  that's her? " Yolanda jumped from the couch as she came to take Riley from my arms but she refused,  she kept on looking away when Yolanda tried to take her.

" She doesn't like you man get over it " Brandon pushed Yolanda away as he walked towards me and kissed Riley on her forehead.

" I'm Uncle Bran Bran " he said I laughed at how his lame ass introduced himself.

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