CHAPTER T W E L V E : 2 Years Later..

Start from the beginning

You'll Pay for what you did to me.

Jay Walker.


Years Later...

The team didn't fall apart. Except it came really busy. Kai Smith is now a famous Star and also still busy with his Ninja missions far from the city rarely seeing the team. He was avoiding the others after what happened.

Cole started dating Seliel. Guess there is no Love Square anymore? Seliel was just too happy for this. They're stars too. Lloyd was busy with his training still on the run and doing his Sensei duties. He has a lot of responsibilities.

Zane.. Was nowhere to be found after a year. But still on contact with Lloyd of course. Except.. His location is unknown.

Dealing with his depression. Did a break with the team.

He's still in the team but.. Just quited. A break.

"Talk to me I there's a big trouble incoming in Ninjago again.."

That's what the last thing he reminded of Lloyd using a letter with no personal or front to front socializing.

It was still sad.

Lloyd sat in the meditation room looking at their pictures. Man.. The day they found him..

He's grown so much and now he's at the age of sixteen.

Seeing the old pictures made him want to go back to time. And also.. To be with the best girl sister like friend again..

Nya Smith.

The one and only friend that he can relate with.. When he was not splashed by Tomorrow's Tea yet. Nya and him used to have a strong bond. They always talk about the guys.

Zane, Cole, Kai and Jay.

They weren't allowed joining in missions because Lloyd is too young and Nya's a girl.

Kai's overprotectiveness made Nya a little paranoid. Even if she has that Samurai suit and she's the Samurai.

Lloyd. Because he was too young and couldn't do anything..

But he was thankful anyways..

Cause if it weren't for his fellow Ninja.
Lloyd wouldn't be able to know Nya more.

"You know Nya.. If you're just still here. I think it would be more fun." He said looking at their picture. When she was still alive.

Next to it was their picture after the funeral.

Lloyd's smile completely turned to a frown.

"I'm sorry if me and the guys where always selfish. Of us not including you with missions." He looked down talking to himself.

"Kai wasn't too eager and he would get distracted. He worries about you too much when you're around us joining our missions. That's why its rarely we go with you with the most important ones." He explained. Still talking to himself.

"Haha.. My son is talking to himself again." A feminine voice behind him spoke. Lloyd smiles seeing her mom there with Tea in her hand.

"Want some Tea, Lloyd?" Her smile is beautiful. Offering his son a cup of tea is the sweetest.

"Mom.. You know I'm not Uncle." Lloyd pouted out of embarrassment as Misako giggled.

"Yes.. I know that.  But you remind me of him." In a serious manner. They sat on the cushions and placed the Tea set on the table. Misako poured some tea to Lloyd's cup.

She looks at him with Worry.

"Its been two years already and you're growing up! How do you feel?"

His eyes completely widened.

"Well Not too Good  I guess? I didn't know Uncle-- I mean Sensei has this much of responsibilities. And now I'm back here with everything all over again! Stuck inside the temple. Just like the old days from the Bounty!" He crossed his arms with his tone sounding regret.

Misako giggles and shook her head.

"Lloyd.. You should really pay Nya's cave a visit. Maybe she left a few vehicles for you there?"


He thought in his mind.

"Oh No! How could have I forgot!?" He panics. Misako rolls her eyes and told him to Go.

As he goes.. He thought.

If Jay's here..


Was always he said when Nya has a surprise.

"Man. Women really are Mistery." Lloyd blurted.

As he walked out of the Temple with Yang on one of the rooms and looking out at the windows. He winks at Lloyd and disappears.

Lloyd looks to his left to see.

The Bounty.

"It has been years since I've been there. I miss being in that Flying ship." He laughs at himself. And smiles.

"We really miss you. Look at me I'm talking to myself." He said and got onto his bike.

As he goes and arrived at the Location.

It was still the Cave that they've left.
Except Dusty.

He coughed at the dust coming out and cleared the air.

He saw the Cave. The computers where having cob webs.

And dust everywhere.

"Man.. I thought the Samurai already was here to.."

"Lloyd." He was cut off until a figure appeared. It was a robot. But it wasn't Zane.


A/n: ;-; I'm worn out. My brain wants its rest and my eyes too. I'm super sleepy so.. Sorry if there are some spelling errors.

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L o L


N I N J A G O !

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