83. Moving on

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*one month later*

(This is what Jayden looks like

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(This is what Jayden looks like. Of course he's smaller right now because he's just a month old but you get it.)

David's POV

Jayden is a month old right now. It's going really well between Liza and I. We're just getting along as friends. I still want more than just friendship but I'm not forcing anything. We'll just have to move on. I made the guest room a little more personal, mostly because it's kinda my room now.

I hear Jayden crying so I walk into his room. "Hey baby!" I say lifting him up. "How did you sleep?" I look at the clock on the wall, 6 pm. He just stares at me for a few seconds, then starts crying. I hug him and then realize he's probably hungry. I go to Liza's room, she's sitting on the edge of the bed putting in earrings. "Liza I think he's hungry." I say handing her Jayden. "Oh really. Ugh I just got dressed." She says. She pulls down the top of her dress and leans against the headboard. I leave the room as she unclasps her bra giving her some privacy.

Liza's POV

I'm going on a date tonight. I decided that I at least need to try to get over David, I got to move on. David will always be a part of me but I'm getting over him. I unclasp my bra and Jayden immediately attaches to my breast.

When he's done I put on my bra again and pull up my dress. I lay Jayden on my bed after he had burped so I can do the last make up details. When I'm ready I turn around again. "Hey bubba!" I say laughing at my smiling little boy on the bed. I lean down and shower him with kisses. I lift him up and hold him close to my chest. "I love you baby!" I say hugging him. I walk downstairs to find David, he's sitting on the couch with Zane and Mila. I hand him Jayden. He stared at David with big eyes. "You look beautiful." David says. "Thanks! I'm going on a date now." I respond. I see the pain in David's eyes. "I'm sorry David but we need to try and move on. You should find someone too." "Hmhm sure." He responds and I smile. I grab my purse. "Well I'm going. Bye!" I give Jayden a kiss and wave the others goodbye.


Ethan. That's the name of my date. A boy with brown hair and light green eyes. Black pants and a white button up shirt. He has a tan from he sun and a sweet smile. We've been talking and laughing for the past hour and a half in this restaurant. "Can I take you somewhere?" He suddenly asks. "Sure." I smile. He asks for the check. I grab my purse but he already put money down. I look at him and roll my eyes, he grins. He gets up first and stretches out his arm so he can hold my hand while I get up.

We walk on a pier with a huge arcade on it. "Here wait a second." He says as he walks off. A few minutes later he comes back with a little plastic bucket. I look and it's filled with silver coins to play the games with.


We had so much fun. Ethan's nice, sweet, he makes me laugh, he showed honest interest and he's okay with Jayden. "Should I walk you to your car?" He asks. "Ehh I actually came with an uber, I'll call one." I answer. "Don't worry about it. I can drive you home if you want me to." He suggests. "Sure, why not." I laugh.

We start walking to his car. We walk over the boulevard really close to each other. He sees me looking at his hand and grabs it. I look up at him and smile, he smiles back. Holding hands we walk further.

We reach his car and get in. We talk on our way home. I feel so happy.

We reach my house and Ethan stops the car. I unbuckle myself and face him. "I had a really good time." I say. "Me too. You're a really nice girl Liza." I blush. He leans in and I think he's about to kiss me. But instead he kisses my cheek. My whole body tingles. "I don't expect you to kiss me. We don't have to rush things." He smiles. I hesitate a second but then I just do it. "Come here." I say grabbing his face and pressing my lips on his. After a few seconds I feel his tongue on my bottom lip. I open up and we explore each other's mouths. His hands are on my sides and mine are around his neck. A weird, but nice, feeling gushes through my body.

David's POV

I'm closing the curtains as I see a car on the driveway. I've never seen that car before. I look again and recognize Liza in the passenger seat. She's kissing a dude. She releases and has the biggest smile on her face. The guy strokes her cheek and then hugs her. She gets out of the car and waves the guy goodbye until he is fully out of sight. She walks towards the front door, the happiest I've seen her in a while. Tears well up in my eyes seeing the girl I love being so happy, because of another guy. I quickly go back to the couch and grab my phone.

Liza comes in still happy. She greets me and sits down next to me on the couch. "How was it?" I ask. "Amazing." She sighs. "Is Jayden in bed?" I nod. "I'm going to sleep too." She says. "Goodnight." "Goodnight."

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