72. Paris

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AN: hey guys! If I made any mistakes about a country/ city please tell me! Hope you enjoy!! Byeee -xx-

Liza's POV

We're in the airport right now, and I just found out we're going to France first. Especially Paris. David and I get into the plane and find our seat. "Can I sit near the window?" I ask David. "Sure babe." He says. We sit down and put on our seatbelts. I grab David's hand. "How long do we have to fly?" I ask. "About 11 hours." David sighs. "Damn that's a long ass time." I rest my head against David's shoulder. "I love you babe." I say. "I love you too babe. Maybe get some sleep, it's gonna be a long flight." He replies.

I wake up in someone's arms. I get myself out of the grip and see David's also sleeping. I was laying with my head in his lap and his arm laying on me. I smile as David's head lays sideways on his own shoulder and a little bit of drool is coming out of his mouth. I look outside and see a sea of clouds beneath me. I lean against the window and slowly close my eyes again.


David's POV

We finally landed at the airport in Paris. It's summer so it's pretty hot in here. Liza is behind me walking through the airplane to the front to get out. Once we get out Liza's eyes widen. "I already love it!" She squeals. I wrap my arms around her waist and just watch the view for a moment. "Sir would you mind to keep walking please. You're blocking the entrance." A stewardess says. We both look back and see a lot of angry people behind us. "Sorry." We both say laughing.

We got into our hotel room. And dropped our stuff.

 And dropped our stuff

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This is the room.

This is the view

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This is the view.

It was an expensive room but only the best for my princess. Liza plops onto the bed and her small body sinks into the fluffy bed. She looks up and looks me straight in the eyes, a big smile appears on her face. I slowly walk towards her and grab her ankles. "Why are you smiling babe?" I ask with a smirk. "I don't know. I just love you, I love this." She says still smiling. I jump onto the bed and lay next to her. We're both on our sides facing each other. "Was it worth the long flight?" I ask. "Totally." She smacks her lips on mine. We share a passionate kiss and when I release Liza yawns. "Tired?" I ask. "Yeah, time difference." She says. I look at my phone. It says 8 pm. "Should we just stay here tonight and order room service? Then tomorrow we can go see the city." I say. "Yeah let's do that." Liza says as she grabs the menu. We both order something and wait until someone brings it. Liza is showering while I hear a knock at the door. I open it and get our food. I decide to do something romantic. I go to our balcony (picture more up) I put down the plates on the table and light a few candles. I put down our wine glasses. Then Liza comes out in a beautiful, black, little dress. "Baby!" She comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck. "You like?" I ask. "It's beautiful." She replies. I go to her chair and pull it back. When she sits down I shove it closer to the table. Then I sit down myself. "What a gentleman." Liza laughs. She looks at the view. The sun is just going under behind the Eiffel Tower, it's beautiful. We clink our glasses. "cheers babe, on us and our journey." I say.

Liza's POV

I wake up with an arm around my waist. I turn around to face David, he's still asleep. I kiss him until he wakes up. He immediately smiles. "That's a nice way to wake up." He laughs. "Go get a shower babe we have a lot to see." I say. "Liza we're here for a week. We don't have to do everything today. And, I have a surprise for you for today." He says with a grin. "What is it?" I ask. "I think you should put your hair into two buns on top of your head." I look at him confused. "What?" I ask. "We're going to Disneyland babe!" He smiles again. "Yay!" I say as a little kid. I sit on his lap and shower his face with little kisses. "Now go get dressed." I say. Messing with my fingers in his hair. I get off his lap and we both get dressed.

We enter Disneyland. It's so cool. It's a lot different than the ones in America though. David and I take the train to the back of the park, where the roller coasters are. We go into the line for one. Luckily for us it's not overcrowded with people. After 10 minutes we get into the seats. The people that work there close the barriers so we can't fall out. I grab David's hand, which is not easy because of the barrier. Our hands hold in a weird way as the ride starts. It suddenly goes really fast and I scream my lungs out.

*next day*

David's POV

We're going to walk through Paris today. Also, we're skipping the Eiffel Tower because that's right next to our hotel. I grab Liza's hand and intertwine our fingers, we walk hand in hand near the Arc the Triumph. It's really cool to finally see it in person.

Liza and I are waking on the Pont des Arts (it's the bridge with all the locks, let's just pretend it's still there.). I see Liza's eyes twinkle, I love when I see that, it's like falling in love with her again. We stop for a second to look around. Liza holds on to the railing as we're staring at the water. "Too bad we don't have a lock with us." Liza suddenly says. A big grin appears in my face, I was waiting for her to say that. I pull something out of my pocket.

This lock but then with Liza and I's name on it and the date we married on it

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This lock but then with Liza and I's name on it and the date we married on it. I hold it in my hands for liza to see it. She doesn't look at my hands though. After a few moments of waiting Liza still didn't notice anything. "Psst." I whisper. She looks up at me. I nod towards my hands. Then she sees the lock. She grips it out of my hands. "Daviiiddd!!" She squeals. She throws her arms around my neck, I grab her hips and lift her up. "Lock it!" I say. She locks it around the railing. I stand behind her and both of us grab a key. We throw it into the water at the same time. I wrap my arms around her waist and lay my chin on her head, Liza grabs my wrists. We look at the undergoing sun. "I love you." I whisper as if I'm afraid someone can hear us. "I love you too David. So much."

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