19. Question and a house

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AN: Short chapter but next one coming soon. Pleasee comment! Lyy byee -xx-


Liza's POV

"We wanted to ask you if we could all move in to one place. We really liked living with each other and Liza if you're with us to it's gonna be even more amazing. And we can watch Skye whenever you guys can't. So what do you think?" David and I are both surprised. But this is amazing! "Yes of course!" I say. "That's so cool." David says. "Soo we're gonna do it?" Zane asks. "Yeah!" I say. We hug each other and are happy, finally. I could use some good news. 

*1 week timelapse*

David's POV

Liza just got home and is now laying on the couch. She could go home but she still has to rest and get a little stronger.  "Anything I can do for you babe?" I ask while I sit down next to her. "A hug?" She asks smiling. I smile too and wrap my arms around her. She snuggles into my chest until Gabbie runs in. "Guys the interview went great! We're probably gonna get it! They're gonna call us this evening!"  She says while plopping on the couch. "Really? So cool!"  Liza says. We found a house we all really want and today Zane and Gabbie went to the landlord to talk with him.


We're all watching tv when Zane's phone rings. "Guys it's the landlord!" He says and I turn the tv down. 

Z: Hello... Yes.. Yes..Really?!...Omg Thank you so so much... In one week?... that's great... ok..thank you..yes..bye.

He hangs up and looks at us. "Guys! WE GOT THE HOUSE BABYY! We can already move in next week!" We all cheer. "We have to celebrate that!" Gabbie says and she runs into the kitchen, she grabs 4 beers and comes back. "This is gonna be great." 

Will it be us? (Liza Koshy David Dobrik)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя