49. The funeral

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*very sad chapter*
David's POV

A nurse helps me get in a black suit. I'm already sad. Liza comes in, she's wearing a black dress. "Hey baby." She says. "Hey pookie." I give her a peck. "Are you ready?" She asks. "Yes ready to go." I reply. The nurse helps me get in my wheelchair and then in the car. Liza drives us to the building where the funeral is gonna be. We are here first. A woman walks towards us. "Liza and David Dobrik?" She asks. "Yes that's us." Liza who's pushing my wheelchair says. Everything is already arranged. "Hello I'm Cassidy." The woman says. We wait until we can see Skye. "Liza I need to tell you something. And I actually didn't want to tell it just before the funeral but since it's already gonna be sad I'll tell you. I got a call from the police this morning. They told me they arrested the shooter and it was the same guy that kidnapped you." Liza looks at me with wide eyes. Then she looks down. "I knew that already." She mumbles. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Just before I blacked out I looked right into his eyes. I recognized him." Is her reply. I lay my hand on her back and slowly rub. "I'm sorry baby." I lean forwards and hug her. "It's ok. I'm glad he's arrested now." Cassidy comes back. "Skye's ready, you can see her now." She says. Liza gets up and pushes my wheelchair behind Cassidy. She guides us to a room. We go in and there's a coffin. As we come closer I see Skye. She's wearing a beautiful little dress, eyes closed, so peacefully. I look up to Liza. She's not making a sound but I see tears coming down her face. She lays the teddy bear that she brought in the coffin, it was Skye's favorite cuddling toy. I lay my hand on her waist and slowly pull her down so she's sitting on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and we just look at Skye together in silence. 10 minutes later Cassidy comes back in. "The first people arrived. They say they are Gabbie, Zane and Heath. Do you want them to come in?" She asks. "Yes they can come." I reply. A few seconds later Gabbie, Zane and Heath come in. They all have a sad look on their face. "Hey." Liza and I say at the same time. They all greet back. "How are you guys doing?" Gabbie ask. Liza suddenly gets up and walks towards Gabbie. We all look surprised but Gabbie already knows what's happening, best friends huh. She immediately wraps her arms around Liza and they both start sobbing at the same time. Heath and Zane are tearing up and tears are still running down my face. But they're all standing at one side of the room and I'm still here right next to Skye's coffin. I suddenly feel so lonely. I think Heath notices because he walks towards me and gives me a strong hug. 


There's almost 70 people in the auditorium. Everyone who wanted to, had a chance to see Skye for the last time. A few people talked and now it's Liza and I's turn, we discussed who was gonna say what. I decided I don't want to get up there with my wheelchair, so I'm gonna see if I can stand for that short time. We slowly walk towards the lectern next to the closed coffin and stand behind it. Liza and I look at each other and I give her an it will be okay look. I start talking. "Skye was our first daughter. She was born totally unexpected. Liza and I weren't dating at the time. She is the reason that brought us together. I remember when I was deported, when I got to facetime her and Liza and she said her first word. I get happy every time I see her. Now when I think of her I'll always be sad, but there will always be a part of me what's happy. We didn't get a long time together, but the time we did get was awesome. It were the best 2 years of my life." A tear slides down my face. I feel Liza's hand on mine and our fingers intertwine and we keep holding hands while Liza begins. "I love Skye. She's the one I loved the most in this world, and him. -nods head at David- The time she got was way too short. There was so much left to explore for her here. She was always happy. And she could always make me happy, no matter what. What happened is so not fair, Skye deserved so much more. We will always remember her." Liza's voice cracks. "And uhh.." I squeeze her hand. She looks up at me with the most helpless face I've ever seen. Suddenly I don't care about all the people here anymore. I grab her and pull her close. We both start crying our eyes out. We hold each other and cry. Suddenly I feel lots of arms around me. Liza and I both look up. Zane, Gabbie, Heath, Scotty, Kristen, Erin, Carly, Todd, Jason and Alex or, my family. Are all standing around us, all of them are crying. We stand there for a second in silence then we all lean in in one big group hug. 

We release after a few minutes. Suddenly my whole body feels tired. Everyone gets off the small stage, except me. Going without my wheelchair was not as good of an idea as I thought. "Are you coming?" Heath says. "I can't" I reply. Heath nods and walks back towards me. He lifts me up bridal style and carries me to my seat. "Thanks." I say as he puts me down. "Of course man." Heath says while wiping a tear away.

It's done and were all in a line to walk to Skye's coffin. liza and I are the last ones. Everyone is already gone to the other hall except for our friends, who were on the stage with us. They're standing by the door opening, waiting for us. Liza and I are holding hands while we stand in front of the coffin. "Sleep tight babygirl." Liza says. "We will never forget you beanie." I say.  "We love you." We say in unison. I pull Liza close and we share a passionate hug. We pull apart. Liza turns around and runs into the arms of Gabbie, Kristen, Erin and Carly. They're all crying. I look at the coffin one last time, then I trudge towards the others. With every step I take a tear falls. This was it. No children anymore. 

AN: Wowww my book is only sad rn, I'm sorry. Don't hate me please. There will be happy chapters I swear, we still have 51 more to go so. And also this chapter kinda sucked but okayy. Well I hope you still enjoyed it! Byeeee -xx-

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