69. I was crying

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David's POV

I wake up to Liza crying. "Babe? Are you in pain?" I ask. She just nods. "Where? Where does it hurt?" "Everywhere David." I turn fully around so I'm facing her. I grab my phone and dial 911.
911: Hello?
D: Yes Hello, it's David. I need an ambulance.
911: Can you tell me what happened sir.
D: My wife has cancer. And she's not gonna get better but right now she's in a lot of pain. I don't know what to do.
911: what's your address?
D: -names address of their house-
911: we're on our way sir, keep calm.

I hang up the phone and grab Liza so she's laying on my chest. I stroke her bald head while she softly sobs. "Shh, it's gonna be okay babe." I say, but Liza shakes her head no. I hold her tight, I know she's in a lot of pain now. The doctors told us she's gonna die, but they didn't tell us when. Liza's body shivers which makes me hold her even closer. I hold her like I'm never letting her go. I don't want to let her go. I see Liza is having trouble holding her eyes open. A tear rolls down my cheek. "Close your eyes babe. It's okay." I tell her. "I don't want to David." She cries. "Do it baby, I'm right beside you." "David no." This was a conversation about eyes. But we both knew if Liza closed her eyes, it would maybe be the last time. I wipe her tears away with my thumbs.

I hear a loud knock. I get up and speed towards the door. I open it and I see 2 paramedics with a gurney. "Right this way." I say as they follow behind me. I see Liza on the bed. Her eyes half closed. The paramedics help her and put her on the gurney. I stand next to her while they put an oxygen mask on her. I grab her hand. Her weak eyes slowly close. I lean closer to her face while we walk towards the front door. "You're okay." I whisper. But I knew, just as she did, that it wasn't going to be okay this time. They wheel her out the door and suddenly I can't move anymore. I reach for Liza but she's gone. "Noo! Liza!" I yell. Nothing.

Liza's POV

I wake up to David yelling. "Noo!" He screams. I walk over to the hospital bed. "Babe." I softly shake his shoulders and I see he's crying. "David. David!" His eyes flutter open. I wipe away his tears. "Liza?"  He asks confused. "Yes it's me babe. What's wrong?" "Please don't ever leave me Liza." He says. "Why would I leave you?" I stretches his arms out and embraces me in a hug. "Just don't ever leave me alone." "I won't babe." I reply. "Can you lay with me?" "Of course." I get in the bed and under the thin sheet. I lay on David's chest and he wraps his arms around me. I look up, I bring my hands up to his face and slowly wipe his tears away. I lay back on his chest. My eyes slowly close.

AN: Hey guys! First thank you for 9K, I hit 8K like not even a day ago. And second, I know this is a sad chapter but happy chapters are in the make! Hope you enjoyed it!! Byee -xx-

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