18. Skye and news

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AN: Guyss I hit 1k!! Thankss soo muchh!! That's why I'm probably gonna upload multiple times today! I have some ideas for the future of this book but if you want you can always leave some ideas! I always read every comment and I promise to seriously think how to put your idea in the story! Ly all Byee -xx-


David's POV

I wake up with Liza in my arms. I remember last night and I smile, I'm so glad she finally spoke and cried. Liza wakes up to and looks at me. "Hi!" She says and she gives me a peck. I respond "How are you feeling baby? Oh wait sorry.. ehh Liza?" "No it's okay, you can call me babe again. I kiss her forehead and I feel her smile. "I love you so much pookie."  "Love you too bubba." She responds while she lays her head in my chest again. 

D: Do you wanna see Skye again today?

L: Yea sure. Do you think she wants to see me?

D: Why wouldn't she? You're her mother babe. I think she really missed you.

L: I missed her too.

D: Can I ask you something?

L: Sure.

D: Why didn't you wanna see Skye past week?

L: -sighs- I don't know.. I just have a feeling she's dissapointed in me. I'm her mother I was supposed to be there in her second month.

D: Liza you couldn't do anything about it. It's not your fault.

L: I know. Can you get her?

D: Of course.


I arrive at our apartment. "Hey!" I greet Zane and Gabbie who are sitting on the couch. After a little talk I tell them I'm bringing Skye to the hospital. I told them about Liza and I's break through and they're coming to see her later. I grab Skye and take her to the hospital.

Liza's POV

I hear the door open and see David with Skye in his arms. "Babyy!" I say and I stretch my arms out to grab her. She looks at me and starts smiling. I lay her on my chest and hold her tight. "I missed you so much little one." I whisper. David sits down in the chair. "She grew so much!" I say and David nods and smiles at the sight. "I love my two princesses." He says. "And we love our king." I reply. David gets up and gives me a kiss. Then there's a knock at the door. "Come in." I say. It's Gabbie and Zane. "Lizaa!" "Gobbiee!" She runs towards me and gives me a big hug. "I'm so happy to see you smiling again!" She says. "Hi Liza." Zane says while also giving me a hug. They both sit down and we talk for a while. "Thanks so much for helping with Skye." I say. "It was no problem. If you both can't take care of her we will." Gabbie says and I'm confused. "What do you mean both?" I ask. Gabbie's eyes widen and she looks at David. 

G: You haven't told her yet?

L: Told me what?

D: No I didn't want to upset her more.

G: David you have to tell her.

L: Helloo I'm right here!

D: I know but I don't want to.

G: You have to.

Z: Dude you have to it's not nothing.

L: Ok why is everyone ignoring me?!

They finally stop talking and look at me. "Babe I have to tell you something." David says. "Yea I thought of that. What is it?" David sighs and begins talking. "Well when you was away I kinda blamed myself for it. I almost didn't eat anything and I forgot about myself. I tought Skye was better of without me and I missed you so much and I tought ehh... I thought you weren't gonna be found after 2 weeks. And when you did, you didn't wanna see me anymore. One day Gabbie and Kristen decided to take Skye to the park and Zane, Alex and Scotty to cheer me up. But when they went to the store to get some things I ehhm.." He looks at Gabbie and Zane with a helpless face. "Tell me babe." I say. "I slit my wrists Liza..." My mouth drops and I tear up. I sign him to come in bed with me and I hand Skye to Gabbie quickly. When he lays down I hug him. "I'm so sorry David." "For what?" "That you have to go through all that." I reply. He lifts my chin up and looks at me. "Liza having you back makes me forget everything that happened." He softly kisses me. "Hello we're still here." I hear Gabbie say when the kiss gets a little to intense. We all laugh and I sit straight up again. "We actually also wanted to ask you guys something." Gabbie says. David and I both nod, she looks at Zane and when he nods too she hands me back Skye. "We wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to..."

AN: Heyy haaa what do you think Gabbie and Zane want to ask Liza and David? Find out in the update later today! -xx-

Will it be us? (Liza Koshy David Dobrik)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora