Chapter 41: Rainy Day Activities

Start from the beginning

Logan shrugged, "Yeah but she's got Barry and space and a new place to sniff out. I'm sure she's enjoying the breeze."

Nix did like putting her head out the window. Maybe being in the back was like that for her.

I jumped as a loud beeping noise crackled from the radio, breaking the music we had playing.

"Emergency weather report. The following areas are at risk of severe thunderstorms and flooding-"

Logan and I looked at each other as we listened to the report. I glanced up at a sign hanging above the interstate.

"Is St. George in Washington county?" Logan asked. I unfolded the map and narrowed down my search to southern Utah.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"We should probably find a place to stay then, I don't wanna get trapped out here in pouring down rain," Logan sighed as we watched some rain begin to pitter down.

I was glad Nix had her tarp.

"We can stop at the next exit," I agreed with him.

Eventually, Logan had to flick on the windshield wipers. I was keeping an eye out for the next exit we saw. We were kind of going through a remote part of the interstate that was surrounded by forest and there was a shortage of exits.

"Ah, shit," Logan muttered and I glanced up.

A large workers truck sat in the middle of the road with a large flashing sign.

Road flooded -> Take Detour.

"It's okay, I'm sure there will be a little town or something we can stop at," I smiled at Logan as the rain started to pour.

Ten minutes later, it was coming down in sheets. I couldn't see anything but the blurry yellow line in the middle of the road.

Nix was still safe in the back, but that was the least of my concerns now. I was worried something would happen while driving in a storm like this.

I jumped as lightning and thunder rumbled around us simultaneously.

"Logan, I think we should pullover and wait it out. I don't like this," I admitted nervously.

I looked over to Logan and saw him squinting through the rain washing over the windshield. The wipers were literally doing nothing.

"There's gotta be a little town or something on this road. This is an interstate, not a back road," Logan growled in frustration.

Lightning flashed somewhere close by and Logan sighed, "Okay, alright."

He pulled over and put the hazard lights on. The back end was under an overhanging tree so Nix could be sheltered a little more.

Logan put the truck in park and sat back defeatedly, "I hate bad weather."

I watched him grump for a moment before laughing. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You're so cute when you're frustrated," I chuckled.

Logan narrowed his eyes and grabbed the map, grumbling lowly as he looked it over.

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