Don't You Give Up

Start from the beginning

             I pressed my hand to the mic on the phone and walked over to Harry.  "Alice comes home tomorrow! Can you drive me to the airport tomorrow at ten, Harry?”

            “Sure.” He responded before sitting on the love seat.

             "Harry and I will be there! Are you ready for the flight?” I asked her in a cheery tone.

            “Yes I am so happy to finally go home. I never thought I would say this, but I want to leave Australia, at least for a little bit anyway.” She added at the end.

            “I’m so excited for you to come home. We are going to have a wonderful summer holiday!”

            “Oh Sophie, I have a surprise for you.” It was obvious she was bursting to say this.

            “What Al, just say it.”

            “I’M GOING ON TOUR WITH YOU AND ONE DIRECTION! I was going to tell you when I got there, but I just got the call and I was too excited and I couldn’t contain it! I thought my dance audition was horrific, but I guess it was pretty good!”

            My heart sank, “Oh wow, Alice that is absolutely wonderful. You will have to tell me all about it when you get home.”

            “I will. Oh shit. My plane is here. I will see you really soon, Soph! Give the lads love from me! I love you!”

The other line flat lined as I whispered a, “I love you too.”

Liam walked into the room. “What did Alice want?”

“She’s going on tour with you, as a dancer. She is terrifically excited.” I couldn’t bring myself to be happy for my best friend. I loved her so much, but I didn’t understand why I couldn’t be happy for her.

“Oh, that’s exciting.” I could tell that Liam wasn’t completely excited either. “Did you tell her that you can’t go on tour?”

I shrugged. “No, I didn’t have the heart to tell her.”

“You should tell her when she gets here.”

“I know.”

Liam and I walked back into the sitting room as we waited for Louis to come back so that they could practice a song or two. We were sitting there for about ten minutes when Louis came running into the room.

“Lads! I have the most bloody fantastic idea ever! Follow me!”  He said as he ran out of the flat. He ran down the hall way with us five trailing right behind him. He reached Niall’s flat and stopped in front of the door. “Niall, give me your key!”

“Aye, give me a second to rest, will ya?” Niall handed Louis his key and he opened the door.

We ran and followed Lou to Nialls’ spare room that he converted to a practice area. The walls were while with black couches and chairs. The room had a grand piano, several different types of guitars, a drum kit, and six microphones.One mic was a pink and blue glittery one that I used whenever  sung with them in here. Louis grabbed my hand and drug me to the middle of the room, where the glitterly mic was and looked at me.

“Now sing.” He requested.

“What do I sing?” I as confused as to what I was supposed to be doing.

“Anything!” Louis kept saying. He had that twinkle in his eye and so I knew that he was on to something, but I couldn’t tell what exactly.

I looked at Niall. “Can you turn on song instrumentals for me?”

“Sure. What song?”

“Can we do Stand Up? I mean all of you boys too. I don’t want to do it alone.”

            “That works too.” Louis said as he stood up and took his place on a stool in front of a mic. All of the guys took a seat on a stool and sat in a semi-circle with the mics in front. I stood up and held the pink glittery mic that Niall had for me.

Liam started singing as I tapped my foot and mentally thought the lyrics in my mind. When they all sang, I joined in “Oh oh ohh oh. So put your hands up. Oh oh ohh oh. Cause it’s a stand up. And I won’t be leaving ‘till I finish stealing every little piece of your heart, every piece of your heart.” During the chorus I pointed to myself and tried to tell Louis that I would sing his part. I acted like I was singing to a real audience and belted his lyrics. “I know your heart has been broken, but you don’t you give up. I will be there in a hurry to fix you will love.” Niall stood up and sung his part to me. “It hurts me to think that you’ve ever cried.”

We comntinued the song and  by the end Louis was clapping. “I knew that was the smartest idea ever!”

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Would you like to sing back up for us on stage? You can have a song or two alone of course, but what do you say?”

“I say yes! I say yes!” I started to jump up and down. The other lads look just as excited as I was about this.

I ran over to Zayn and hugged him. I somehow ended up in the middle of a group hug with the lads. Niall also ended up in the middle and suddenly  forced his lips against mine. I had no objections and kissed him back. I put my hand on the back of his head, while his hands were on the back on my waist. All the other lads backed up as soon as the snogging started.

“Bloody hell! Get a room.” Harry half yelled and half laughed before running out of the room.

We pulled apart and saw Louis staring at us and pointing. “I called it!”

I laughed as Niall pulled me back in for round two. Zayn and Liam started walking away when Louis started yelling, “THEY ARE SNOGGING AGAIN!”        

Liam grabbed Louis by his shoulder and pulled him out of the room with Zayn following right behind.

“I love them.” I said in between laughs.

Niall looked me in the eyes. His pale blue eyes were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. “I love you, Sohie.”

“I love you too, Niall.” 

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