Family Fun & Movie Madness - Pt. 2

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They all went over the guidelines for them. "We just wanna make sure you are all safe, okay? You know how it is..." They nodded. "Okay! Let's go have fun! But, stick together!" They went to go look at all of the movies that were playing. No. They did not go undetected by fans for long. It was literally impossible. They did take a couple of pics and stuff with them. They always wanted to treat their fans fairly. Paul and Dale tried to hold them back and calm them down. "Okay, ladies. Please, give the boys some space now." Paul said. It was hard to keep them away from them though. "Lou, I think, we probably should've chosen a more low key place." Harry whispered to him. "Haz, it really doesn't matter where we go. We still get mobbed." Louis reminded him. Harry nodded. They didn't want to be rude to their fans, of course. But they were just trying to enjoy a little time with their friends and family. He noticed Addy start to get a little scared. She hid her face in his neck and clung tightly to him. He held her close and rubbed her back with one hand to quiet her down. "It's okay, Addy. No one's gonna hurt you or anything, okay? I promise." His words did work to settle her nerves. He gently held a hand supporting her head and he wrapped his arms protectively around her to provide her with a sense of security.
They finally selected a movie..after going back and forth with one another. Charlotte still kept begging Louis to see "Guardians 2" so he finally gave in. Paul agreed to go with them to keep an eye on them. Eleanor, Fizzy, and Phoebe also chose to see "Guardians." Everyone else was going to watch "Boss Baby" since it seemed more "kid friendly". There were multiple rooms showing the same movies, so Paul had rented out two of them, so that they could all enjoy a movie in peace. Harry thought it amusing, seeing Louis holding Freddie and a diaper bag slung over his shoulder. "Ooh! Popcorn and candy!" Doris squealed. 'Uh oh!' Harry thought to himself. "Okay, munchkins. Here's the deal. You can each have your own drink.. BUT, you have to share the buckets of Popcorn. And nicely!" Louis said, ordering his younger siblings about. "Can we each have a candy, too, please?" Ernest asked, nicely. Louis seemed to be contemplating it for a second. He sighed heavily. "Yes, Ernie. You can each pick out one candy, too." He said. "Aw. Bubba, why jus' one?" Ernest began to whine. Louis groaned, running a hand through his hair. He was already growing impatient too. "Because, Ernie, we are still gonna eat at the park later on, too. Remember? So, we don't want you to get too filled up on junk food right now." Eleanor tried to help Louis out. All the girls were behaving now, at least. They were just talking and giggling. Louis was clearly fighting hard to stay consistent with the twins. Harry knew, now, how difficult that could be. "Sorry, buddy. One or none. That's the deal." Louis said, surprisingly very calmly, bending down to pat his baby brother's head. "Okay, bubs." Ernest said. "Thanks, Lou Lou." He said sweetly. Louis smiled and gave him a loving hug. Addisyn was wellmannered the whole time. She was still resting her head on Harry's shoulder. She glanced up at him. Harry gave her a tender squeeze, reassuring her that everything was okay. "C'mon. You all hurry up and decide what you want." Louis said. "Movies are gonna start in bout ten, fifteen minutes." Paul informed them, tapping his wristwatch. "Lou Lou, can we have a Coke too?" Doris asked quietly, tugging on his hand. "Lou, I don't know if that's such a good idea." El mouthed. Louis's eyes widened at the thought of hyper, little kids running around. Well, Harry was not a mind reader obviously.. But those were 'his' thoughts right then. Louis was having a tough time in saying "no" to them. All these little kids were much smarter than they let on. They knew how to manipulate people..with those adorable, innocent faces. "Uh. How about a lemonade or fruit punch instead?" Louis tried. "Lou, maybe, sprite or rootbeer will be okay. Since it doesn't have caffeine. It does have sugar, but..." Harry said. "Okay. Guys, how about sprite instead?" Louis offered. Thankfully, they agreed to that! Everybody finally got what they wanted to snack on and were headed to the movie rooms. Louis leaned in to whisper in Harry's ear. "These kids are gonna be the death of me." He joked. Harry laughed at that. "Oh. You'll be fine, Louis."

After making sure all the kids used the bathroom, first, they finally went to get seated. Louis had reminded Lottie and the others to behave themselves for Paul. Harry glanced back at Ashley, who was walking close behind them. "You alright?" She nodded. "Dude, she's so quiet." Louis said, also looking at Ashley. "Louis, don't be rude." Harry said, giving him a look. "What? I wasn't." Louis argued. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just not something I'm used to, ya know?" Louis said. He turned to Ashley. "Sorry, love. I hope I didn't offend you." Ashley just smiled at him. "It's okay. You didn't, Lou." "See, she's so nice!" Louis pointed out. "What's wrong with that, *Lewis*? Be careful. You never know, she might surprise you." He teased Ashley, who gave him a weird, confused look. Louis laughed in amusement. "I'm joking." Harry assured her with a laugh. "Well, I think she's a sweetie." Harry said, smiling at her. Louis looked at Harry weirdly. Then, opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped himself. "She really is. Ashley's so awesome!" Louis replied, giving her a smile. "You're awesome, love. Don't ever change who you are." Louis told her in a kind manner. "Lou, come on. Quit your yappin', mate! The movie's about to start!" Harry said, slapping him on the back of the head, causing Louis to frown at him. And grimace in pain? "Ouch, mate! What'd ya do that for?! You just wait! I'm gonna get you back!" Louis threatened, whilst rubbing the back of his head at the same time. Oops! He hadn't meant to hit him that hard. "Harold!" They suddenly stopped; when they noticed that Addy was just staring at them. "Daddy, why are you being mean to Uncle Lou?" She asked, innocently. Louis smirked mockingly at him. "Yeah, Harry! Why are you being mean to your daughter's most favorite uncle?" "Haha! Even Addy's on my side." Daisy put a hand on her hip, watching them. "Lou, Haz! You two are kinda acting like a couple spoiled babies right now." "Hm..Guess we chose the perfect movie for you, huh?" She said, with a smart attitude, smiling at them. Harry felt ashamed then. Here they had just warned the kids to behave themselves and now they were acting out like a couple of toddlers! "Sorry, lad." Harry mustered an apology. "It's fine, Harold." Harry glared at him, but said nothing in response. They also apologized to the others. They all ended up laughing..afterwards!

Ashley sat in between Harry and Daisy. Louis was on the opposite side of Daisy. Addisyn was sitting in Harry's lap. The twins were sitting by Daisy and Lou. Although, there were dozens of seats to sit in, the kids still wanted to sit on their laps. "Yay! The movie's starting!" Addisyn said, clapping. Harry smiled down at her and kissed her little cheek. The movie was pretty hilarious. All of the kids were laughing away. "Hey, Uncle Lou! Look! That character looks kinda like you!" Addisyn pointed out. Harry laughed. "He actually does." "Hey! He does, doesn't he?" Louis admitted, also laughing with them. They heard Ashley laughing a bit too. That was a good thing, right? Poor little thing! She must've felt kinda frightened by them earlier. They were acting kind of improperly. Louis had Freddie in his arms. His car seat was on the seat next to him. "Oh my goodness! What if Freddie could talk like that??" Louis asked, with a hilarious expression on his face. "Lou, that would be kinda creepy." Harry said. Suddenly, Daisy leaned over and put a finger to her lips. "Sh! You guys, it's rude to talk during a movie. Where's your manners?" They could tell she was just joking this time. "*My* manners?" Louis asked, raising a brow. "Child..." Then, he smiled at her and grabbed her. He started tickling her. Daisy giggled, trying to wiggle away from him. "Lou, stop! You're gonna wake Freddie up!" Harry was amused by them. Ashley looked like she was trying hard to hold back a laugh. "Don't mind them, love. Let's just enjoy this movie...well, what's left of it anyway." Harry said, laughing. Ashley just grinned. Freddie had fallen asleep..but Louis did have to get up a few times to go change him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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